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Not doing this again ..... but over the holidays I am working myself to the ground so not to think. First holidays without hubby. Result exhausted and sad. Supposed to be going to daughter in laws family tonight after I get home from work. Wish I could bow out but world war three would ensue ( long story )
My question is ( after my whining lol ) What are you all doing tonight for New Years ? What helps you get through the holidays? Happy New Years all ! I wish for us to find peace.

Gypsy494 7 Dec 31
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same to you, Gypsy

TheDoubter Level 9 Dec 31, 2018

Vicki has been gone 11 years now. I am still a bit sad about it, but I have a new friend now. This year is the best holiday season in a long time.

So happy for you!


Me and dog will open a bottle of champagne and toast to the new year. On New Year's Day I have a 2.5 mile hangover hike.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Dec 31, 2018

Me and dog will open a bottle of champagne and toast to the new year. On New Year's Day I have a 2.5 mile hangover hike.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Dec 31, 2018

I'll be going to bed early-ish. I'm working in the morning. Like yourself, I have thrown myself into work. This is my third year alone, apart from our daughter. So far, it has not got easier, in fact for me, it has been the worst. First year, busy and local support, second year we had just moved house after being made homeless. And now here we are.
Go to keep going though

Sofabeast Level 7 Dec 31, 2018

I am doing nothing. My late partner (from Plano) was very, very social and we always had a party on New Years day and invited neighbors and friends (not too many neighbors on my street). The year after she died a friend wanted me to continue the tradition and I did but it was uncomfortable for myself and I suspect the others. The following year I didn't do anything and neither will I this year. The day after, however, I will go to the mainland and visit some friends.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 31, 2018

2 years ago on New years eve, Elvin got his cancer diagnosis and was put on hospice. December 31 is also his birthday. His 3 kids came to say goodbye as he only lived one more week. Tonight I am spending New Years Eve with a new man at home. We'll see how it goes as I'm not totally feeling it.

Susieq Level 7 Dec 31, 2018

First solo end of the year holidays for me. Tonight I'll be having dinner with the same couple I've been celebrating NYE with for several years. Only this time, the reservation is for 3.

JGal Level 7 Dec 31, 2018

2nd calendar switch since Teri died sitting up in the Lotus position watching the movie I gave her 15 March 2017 ....making plans for our lives felt so much better than fighting criminal theocrats who don't pay taxes this year or next. ...Colorado voters turned down the ballot initiative to tax all exempt properties. failed because new revenue WAS NOT RETURNED TO EXISTING TAXPAYERS. will succeed when it both saves taxpayers money and requires all owners to pay their fair share


I hope the new year finds you not having to work yourself so hard. I was going to be by myself, but an old friend who recently lost his mother invited me over to watch the celebrations on TV and have some Champagne. I thought it would be good for both of us to get together. Xmas was hard to get through, but I made it. I just try to take each day as it comes, and find what happiness I can. To all who are reading, I wish you love, joy, peace and loads of Prosperity in the new year!

Be grateful to be so in touch with your feelings.'s not good to be numb or pretend grief is a toothache to cure in a week....enjoy the bubbles and fizz. ...point the cork in a safe direction


Pop a cork drink the bubbly fizz watch a comedy channel


Will stay home, watch a little tv, read for a while and then go to bed. My first holidays alone too.

ugly Level 7 Dec 31, 2018

Nothing different from usual, except raise a glass to 2019 at midnight and look forward to watching the New Year’s Day Concert from Vienna tomorrow morning on TV. I have been widowed long enough now to have adjusted to being on my own...I quite like being able to do as I please. May I take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year, I hope you find the peace and contentment that I have.


NYE is one of the biggest wastes of time there is but I always get a food I like and don't normally have and watch the new year coming in around the world. (Great show fro Sydney harbor being streamed on FB right now)

I know people say it takes time but in reality . . . it does take time. The gap is never completely healed over but the pain does abate. Take time to be kind to you OK


I'm not doing much... Just watch the ball drop

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