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Does anyone ever feel like their spouse is watching over them? I get the feeling my wife is still there. We had a thing about finding pennies while doing laundry at the laundromat. After she died I was finding pennies everywhere. I asked her to stop and now I only occasionally find one. I also feel like she is keeping me from finding someone else. We had a conversation about what to do if one of us died. I can't remember what she said. It would probably help if I could.

NFAguy53 7 May 9
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Funny you should say that about the pennies...when I was very young a family member said to me ....when you lose someone and you find a new penny heads up that means your loved one is in heaven. When my husband died I was comforted when I found a new penny heads up by a parking meter...

IAmLove Level 7 June 9, 2018

i wish this was true. my husband was a hanglider pilot. it was his passion. Because of that, he would always look at the sky, especially when we were in the car. A habit I now have. The house we lived in when he died is near by the interstate I drive a lot. Almost without fail There will be a big bird flying around above me.

i would love it if it was a sign, but i know it isn't. it provokes intense memory and feelings of what i lost. if I'm having a good day, i say "hi, Bradley!"

Celestia Level 5 May 21, 2018

Speaking of birds...when my dad died I was in a very bad place and I could not find my way back. One morning when I was on my way to work I got into my car....I had a glass T-Roof on my car...a crow flew slowly towards my car and landed on the glass roof...I tapped on the roof and said hello and then said fly away I have to go to work now...he tapped on the glass roof with his beak in answer. I was stunned and I tapped back to him and he tapped once more and flew away. I went to work and I knew somehow that this was a message from my dad. I looked up my dad’s name for meaning...the definition was flight. I felt so much better.


Please don't take this wrong my friend but those thoughts are coming from inside your head.

Personally, if I thought my deceased wife was watching me I would be pretty paranoid!

@NFAguy53 : Could it be that you wish she was sending you signs? We see what we want to see.

Anyway, I share your pain.

I wish mine were, but unfortunately no. I still talk to her. Visited her grave on her birthday, spoke for a while, but it was just me.
She has nagged me to ask a certain person out loads of time, but as you point out, that is just my Id pushing through. My Superego is too powerful to screw that up

@Sofabeast : I've spoken to my deceased wife too. But I know it's only human to reach out the one we love.

@Sofabeast sure of that are you?

@IAmLove As sure as I can be. She told me to find a lover or three before she passed, as she knew I'm terrible on my own. But doing that sort of thing just isn't me. June hated the idea of me being alone, wallowing in my grief. If it was her, perhaps she should direct said young lady to me instead. Thank you for your thoughts

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