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I’ve posted about Earth Affair before…but not for some time, so today I will explain again that it is a consortium of musicians from the Scandinavian and other Northern European countries, the brainchild of Icelandic percussionist and composer Gulli Briem. This piece, called - Jewels Up High - was composed as soundtrack to a docu-feature film titled - A Name Is A Name, made by Icelandic filmmaker Sigurjon Einnarson…a story of exile by necessity to survive and the inexorable pull back to the place of birth, even in old age….

….yes I know it’s a dreary and pretty depressing film and the music not exactly upbeat, but life is not all sunshine and laughter. This fits with the more sombre grey and wet weather we’ve got here today…a quite welcome relief from scorching sun and heat I have to admit!
Marionville 10 July 24
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Pretty dreary contemplative stuff. Suggesting murders or hovering threats. Does he die in the snow?

My wife's OSHO name was Anama, meaning no name.

No idea..I didn’t watch it all…only this excerpt. I don’t think it’s about murder or actual physical threats, just the hard life of scraping a living from the barren landscape, hence the reason for exile …but he may have made the journey home only for him to die on his native soil. That would tie in with the theme of the film.

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