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The native tribes of America united in song….illumiNative and Mag7 collaborated to release this song celebrating the richness, beauty and diversity of Native Americans on Indigenous Peoples’ Day in October 2019.
Mag7 is a collective of musicians from 7 different tribes and IllumiNative is an initiative created by natives to counter negative attitudes towards native people.
One World (We are One)…

Marionville 10 Oct 10
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Thank you for this. It reminded me of an annual event here in Seattle. Our largest Park (Discovery Park) has a special center devoted to the indigenous people's, Daybreak Star. [] One thing I learned is that there are several very different tribes, mostly the Plains Indians (often nomads) and the Coast Indians. Their traditions are often very different. Coast Natives have permanent long houses, totem poles and their dress is very different than the plains natives. Every year a PowWow is held here and natives from all over the country come. There are booths displaying the wares from different tribes and, of course, a native dance contest. "Held during Seattle’s Seafair in July, the Powwow averages 400–600 dancers in full regalia, 25 drum groups, and 10,000 spectators which come to celebrate the richness of the Native American culture." Scroll down to the video. []
As a side note, the area in which I live was inhabited for hundreds of years by native people's. In my area they were the coast Salish tribe.

The San Juan Islands are actually a part of the Gulf Islands (we are considered the S. Gulf Islands. Most of the Gulf Islands are a part of Canada and they incorporate a huge number of islands. scroll down to see a map of the area. []
jackjr Level 7 Oct 11, 2023

You live in a very interesting part of the North American continent…

@Marionville I do and this is why I chose to live here. I've lived in several places in the US and found this area the best of all. We are unique, of all the states, in we have a larger diversity of geography. []
A listing of the diversity here: []
I am not a native and the family came here in 1965 when I was 17. We didn't want to come this far north but I am glad we did.


Sounds great.

Yes…I thought so.


I love seeing such different people from the natives around where I live. It is much closer music to what we have here which revolves around a constant heartbeat of drums. I really appreciated this track.


Any mention of how they used to rape and kill eachother's tribes? Anything about how they enslaved eachother's kids???

Just like Europeans and most other humans on every continent acted you mean?

Just like we used to do

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