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Belgian singer and actor Jacques Brel had a big following in the latter half of the 20th century mainly in French speaking countries, but also worldwide. Here we have one of his songs, Vesoul - brought bang up to date with American group Pomplamoose - formed by husband-and-wife duo of multi-instrumentalist Jack Conte & vocalist/bassist Nataly Dawn in 2009. They mainly perform online where they have a large following…

Marionville 10 Oct 29
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Is she Flemish? Belgium has three groups the Fleming (French) and Waloons (Dutch and German).
"Much of the history of modern Belgium consists of the struggle of the country’s Flemish-speaking community to gain equal status for its language and to acquire its fair share of political influence and economic opportunity in a society that was dominated largely by Walloons after the country achieved independence in 1830. In the 20th century the Flemings were successful in obtaining legislation to further these aims, but their linguistic and other differences with the Walloons remain a source of social friction."

jackjr Level 7 Oct 29, 2023

You’ve got it round the wrong way. The Walloons speak French …not Flemish. The Flemish language is spoken by the Flemings and is a language allied to Dutch and German. Anyway the singer is actually American, from California. It was the original songwriter/singer Jacques Brel who was Belgian, and as he was a French speaker, presumably he was also a Walloon.

@Marionville Yes, I got it backwards. While in Germany I was acquainted with a Belgian woman who spoke French. She made the best mayonnaise. She also tole me the Waloons were considered the underclass.


She hardly opens her mouth until she wants to be loud.

Usual French class even if the Poirot type.


That was a charming way to start the day, thank you! Do you know off-hand if this is from Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris?

Lauren Level 8 Oct 29, 2023

No I’m afraid Jacques Brel died in 1978…he was only 49.

@Marionville I didn't realize he was so young - how sad! That play was on Broadway in 1968 and I had vaguely remembered the album, so I didn't know if this song was from that collection. In checking it out, they kept the name of it even after his death whenever there's been a revival of his music.

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