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Niaz Nawab is an Iranian multi-instrumental musician, singer and songwriter now exiled and living in Paris, her music fuses Persian poetry with western sounds. Here she performs her composition titled The Sea accompanied by Paris Philharmonic Orchestra East and The Bahar Choir conducted by Arash Fouladvand..

Marionville 10 Feb 10
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I like it. Decidedly different! An eastern flavour.

Definitely Middle Eastern I’d say…


I was curious about the Bahar Choir. "The Bahar Choir consists of Iranian chorists, whilst the East-Paris Philharmonic Orchestra’s musicians are predominantly French. The choir and orchestra have come together to perform and promulgate the Iranian music, poetry and culture through the performance of well-known Iranian music and contemporary pieces, composed by Arash Fouladvand, the lead musical composer, conductor and overall founder of the project and Bahar Choir."

I imagine some are exiled. My brother-in law and his family are Iranian and live in N. Vancouver BC. They recently made a trip home. They are not exiled. However many artists are self-exiled and a very famous one is Gogoosh. She has performed in the Holywood Bowl (LA is the Persian center of the US) and lives in Vancouver BC (which is the Persian center of Canada). She has said she would like to go back to Iran but will not be able to. Some artists are not allowed to practice their art in Iran and often may be arrested if they should return.
jackjr Level 7 Feb 10, 2024

Thanks for filling in and adding additional details and music. I think many are self exiled because they’d be arrested if they went back and tried to perform the way they do in the west.

@Marionville It's funny but that's exactly what Gogoosh said. Years ago my late partner and I visited an Iranian couple that lived in Delaware (he was a scientist at a nuclear facility). They turned on their TV and went through channel after channel (some dozen in all) of shows in Farsi. They were musicals and showed lots of scantily clad women and men driving, swimming and just having fun. We were shocked that something like this was Iranian. We were informed they were not but made by Iranians in LA and beamed to Iran to show the people what they were missing.


She's wonderful Marje!! ❤️ as is the orchestra and choral group.

Found by accident…so I thought I’d post it here!

@Marionville What a wonderful find!! I love it when that happens to me.😉

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