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The stars near the edges of spiral galaxies revolve with the same angular velocity as stars close to their centers. [That’s very unlike the planets near the edges of our solar system.]

Newtonian theory, which explains our solar system well, suggests that stars farther away ought to move slowly, so "extra gravity" is thought to be necessary. Without the extra gravity those most distant stars would leave the galaxy. They don’t leave the galaxy so theoretical physicists, aka mathematicians, add more gravity to their equations. They couldn’t see the cause of their imagined gravity so “dark matter” was invented.

For eighty five years it’s been searched for, talked about, and taught at huge cost to taxpayers.

yvilletom 8 Aug 23
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What is the problem, paying for science that does not pan out? I think it is a good investment. How would your life be better without air traffic tracking in real time, the cell phone, GPS, the invention of all the imaging equipment used for medical treatments, and all the other stuff that uses computers and the laws of physics to work? The economy of present depends on science and physics research, we all get the benefits so we should all help in its work.

Dale, you are a man of faith.

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