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For those following the JWST...I found an excellent explanation - both written and diagram - of the LaGrange orbital destination points.

In the 18th century, Italian French mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange determined that celestial bodies’ overlapping gravity wells would produce areas where the pull of gravity and the push of centrifugal force would offset. A small object at such a point would not fall toward the sun or Earth, but would remain more or less stable. These are the Lagrange points.

Robecology 9 Jan 23
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40 years ago, the L5 Society organized to promote space development. Then Challenger happened and, as the organization wilted in the aftermath, Sagan's Planetary Society sucked it up. Sagan, like Musk, had the idiotic idea that we should focus our sights on Mars. Oh well...

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 23, 2022

I did not know that...and from what I'm reading the chances of us colonizing Mars are slim to none.

Don't get me wrong...I even assisted with the first proposals for "Terraforming Mars" via NASA decades ago....but with the new science evidence....I've changed my mind.


@Robecology At the time, I favored the thesis of mining and possibly retrieving asteroids. Why work so hard to get out of a gravity well just to jump down another one.

One of the problems of space travel is the cost of resources lifted off the Earth's surface. Asteroids and cometary bodies could provide volatiles for fuel. Yet, we have a source of water on the Moon, and 1/6 gravity isn't too bad. It might be tolerable for a base, especially inside one of the many lava tubes. But Mars? Yeah, good article, thanks.


Thanks, a rather simple concept which is not intuitive for most.

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