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Massive organic molecules in plumes of Saturn moon Enceladus... so says Cassini data.


Interestingly, one of Cassini’s greatest discoveries was that Saturn’s enormous magnetic field is warped near the plume ejecta from this tiny moon. One thing that can cause this warping is an electric current. Electrically charged particles ejected from polar regions of Enceladus: is this evidence for liquid water ocean under the moon’s icy crust? Let’s go and find out!


vcg1234 7 June 27
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Here is another article on the same Saturn moon. Pretty interesting stuff if it proves to be true that there is organic life on Enceladus. I hope I live long enough to learn that absolute proof of organic life has been found on another world in our solar system.

Georgy303 Level 6 July 2, 2018

Right there with ya!


Ever since the water plumes have been seen and detected, I think there has been lots of excitement that this is THE one with life.

Lukian Level 8 June 27, 2018

Jupiters' Europa is a water world also and a prime site for life. Wouldn't it be ironic that the cold outer region of the solar system harbors the rest of the life in the solar system besides the Earth.

@starwatcher-al yeah, but all the world's are our's except Europa. We can attempt no landing there.

@CraeftSmith why not, it's covered with thick ice. Except if you mean dealing with the extreme gravity and radiation of Jupiter

@starwatcher-al it's a paraphrase of a line from 2001: A Space Oddessy. And now I suddenly want to watch it again

@CraeftSmith Ah ha, I have not watched that movie for many years.

@CraeftSmith Dave, what are you doing Dave. Stop Dave.

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