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What did the organic chemist say to the philosopher?

i think ergot i am.

JohnBeret 5 Sep 5
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je pense, donc je suis, doesn't quite have the same ring

yo no se ce que tu dit...


If a tree falls in a forest, but there's no one there to witness it, does it decompose?

If you can't see the woods for all of the trees, does the bear give a crap?


You think, therefore you are a fungus? I must be missing something.!

Hathacat Level 9 Sep 5, 2018

nope.. just hallucinating.

@JohnBeret I have only tried one fungus that had that effect! Only the one time though. Didn't like the effect!

@Hathacat If you eat bread from wheat, then you have consumed ergot. The fungus is best known as the sourge of lysergic acid, which is where lsd comes from. If you wish to know how it is made ... check out US patent US2438259A. You can find a copy in the Anarchists Cookbok as well. Funny thing about the AC, the author wanted it pulled but didn't own the copyright. Almost everything in the AC is public, mostly US patents. Its a horrible thing to try and read. I have a copy given to me as a gag gift, don't know where they found it since it was oop at the time.. then again I also have a copy of the complete idiots guide to feng shui.. I threw my CRC at the person who gave it to me.

@JohnBeret Well, then I have tried two fungus with weird effects. I am done on both counts. Wheat gives me a tummy ache anyway.

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