3 3

Whatever.... EM gave us this:

vcg1234 7 Sep 8
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So he smokes weed, big deal. Look at what he has done so far, the man has vision.

MacTavish Level 7 Sep 8, 2018

Exactly... settle down people. Visionaries are rule breakers. LOL

However, no matter my level of agreement with your sentiment, any individual who is the custodian of billions of dollars of investment should, if well balanced, seek to maximize the confidence of his/her investors. The recent behavior of Elon Musk: publicly going after the Thai cave rescue, announcing that private equity was in line to buy out the Company, and then smoking pot with Joe Rogan—all this points to some serious psychological concerns. Smoking weed is not a problem, but doing so live on a YouTube stream is, at the vey least, questionable behavior for the CEO of a monstrously huge corporation. Then again, if he doubles down, and says “screw you” to the uptight Wall Street crowd, who knows? Maybe he’ll get more investors?


It's going to start getting real interesting when Blue Origin finally starts doing stuff, too. Because you know with egos like EM and JB have, they're going to just HAVE to one-up each other constantly.

Ooooooooh I certainly hope so! 🙂

Blue Origin, thus far, is only about going up and coming down. Its model was formed around 'space tourism.' If it wishes to compete with Space X, it will need to move well beyond its modest accomplishments, to date.


The car was neat, but weird. I sure hope he has a private feed, so he can see what it is doing! The double landing though, that was epic!

Hathacat Level 9 Sep 8, 2018

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