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Fresh Air podcast - Neil deGrasse Tyson examines the unspoken alliance between science and war.


Lutherzme 8 Sep 18
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That was an interesting comment concerning the Space Force origin.

MacTavish Level 7 Sep 19, 2018

I wonder how Space Force and Air Force are going to cooperate? Who will have responsibility for all the spy satellites, and what about things like the fighter-jet launched satellite killer missiles? There seems to be all kinds of cross-over.

@Denker IF a Space Force is stood up, it seems likely that the role of the military would remain suborbital. Missiles—ICBMs, SLBMs, TBMs—which never attain orbit would likely continue under the Air Force, Navy and Army. And while the military branches fund and control a number of satellites in mission areas such as communication, navigation and early warning, it is the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) which builds, launches and operates reconnaissance satellites. The NRO would likely be one of the founding members of a Space Force.

ASAT programs are quite controversial, not the least of which for the vast debris fields left through the limited tests that have been conducted to date. Should an ASAT weapon be used against another nation’s asset, the platform from which it would be launched is irrelevant, as the decision to “go” would likely be made by the National Command Authority (NCA).

Generally speaking, while the budgetary and mission area debates between the various branches can, at times, be contentious, it is the UCC (Unified Combatant Command), led by a 4-star, which acts as the warfighter. If combat is anticipated in space, the envisioned Space Force would, it seems to me, require a command, with its own doctrine, strategy, tactics and commander.

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