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It's official! Strong evidence that Saggitarius A black hole exists in the center of our galaxy.

paper: []

abstract: We report the detection of continuous positional and polarization changes of the compact source SgrA* in high states (“flares&rdquo😉 of its variable nearinfrared
emission with the near-infrared GRAVITY-Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) beam-combining instrument. In three prominent
bright flares, the position centroids exhibit clockwise looped motion on the sky, on scales of typically 150 µas over a few tens of minutes, corresponding
to about 30% the speed of light. At the same time, the flares exhibit continuous rotation of the polarization angle, with about the same
45(±15) min period as that of the centroid motions. Modelling with relativistic ray tracing shows that these findings are all consistent with a near
face-on, circular orbit of a compact polarized “hot spot” of infrared synchrotron emission at approximately six to ten times the gravitational radius
of a black hole of 4 million solar masses. This corresponds to the region just outside the innermost, stable, prograde circular orbit (ISCO) of a
Schwarzschild–Kerr black hole, or near the retrograde ISCO of a highly spun-up Kerr hole. The polarization signature is consistent with orbital
motion in a strong poloidal magnetic field.

below is a picture: []

Lukian 8 Nov 6
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Um, it has been widely believed that all spiral galaxies have black holes at their centres. Like an unfortunate Tootsie Pop. Neat to see some data, though. Thank you.


I propose an expedition personally led by President Trump to verify its existence. If he hurries he can launch tomorrow. I'll help him pack.

Paul4747 Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

Did they think it was somewhere else?

Hathacat Level 9 Nov 6, 2018

If you say it is so and from what I have learned else where I agree.

Marine Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

The stars are infinitely wonderful!

Denker Level 7 Nov 6, 2018
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