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2019 Blood Moon

AntaresRose 8 Jan 14
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The video scientific facts are accurate, as far as the bible stuff - BS Blood moon in the last days, bs, they have been occurring forever, just a term that has been used recently.

true lol.

@AntaresRose BTW, binoculars are a great way to watch any lunar eclipse, hope you have a pair.

@starwatcher-al yes. i do, but i like them on TV too. the last one kept the area I live dark for awhile. It was strong here.


Apogee is the moon at its furthermost, perigee is at its' closest. The distances are 225,000 miles and 252,000 miles


The reason that it is called a blood moon is that the moon turns a red/coppery color. This happens at every lunar eclipse. Nothing unusual here. Also this eclipse is happening when the moon is at it's closest in it's orbit to the earth. Just another usual event. The media recently has hyped these events to make a sensational story. While I applaud the news coverage of an astronomical event, the hype is just for ratings. Enjoy the eclipse on Sunday evening everybody.

When is strongest in America?

@AntaresRose Partial eclipse begins at 10:34 in Pa. Totality begins at 11:41 - totality mid eclipse is at 12:12 and totality ends at 12:44.

i live in PA.........everyone want an eclipse party, lol?


I do not know if this has much Biblical mentions here, but i do know astronomically there Blood Moon and 3 super moons are a factual occurrence. if it get to bother anyone, I will remove the post.

please remove this post it does not add the the scientific knowledge of this group. (Note that I asked politely)

@Shouldbefishing Thank you I switched.

@Shouldbefishing I would have liked this much better and I really thank you.

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