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This arrived in the mail today! I'm extremely excited to start putting it together and use it, but I'm also sort of nervous. It is an Orion XT Classic Dobsonian XT10, so it's big and somewhat intimating. This is my first telescope, and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this model, or suggestions that might help. It would be greatly appreciated!

SkepticalJim28 5 Jan 16
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Its unhealthy for to be jealous sweet

Treehugger Level 6 Jan 17, 2019

wow, gongrats , there is a lot on the web about alignment.

magicwatch Level 7 Jan 16, 2019

Good Luck. I will be wondering about the eclipse you watch this week end.


Congrats on the 10 inch dob. That is a powerful scope, it will show you many wondrous objects in the sky. Just remember that what you see is not going to be anything like what the pictures of the same object look like. part of the joy of using a scope is in realizing just what you are looking at. Years ago i spied a supernova that was 27 million light years away, wow. Just that realization blew me away that evening. Enjoy.


That's awesome! I've owned 2 dobs: an Orion 4.5" (my first scope) and I recently sold that and upgraded to a SkyWatcher 8" goto dob. They're pretty easy to set up and use. If you don't live in a dark sky area, be sure to head out to one with it as soon as you can. Even in a fairly light-polluted area, you can still see some cool things with them, though! Some of my favorites are Saturn, Jupiter (and it's 4 biggest moons), and the Orion nebulae.

Downloading a star app like Google Sky will help you find some objects. I'd also suggest checking out some astronomy websites/magazines like Sky and Telescope; they'll have suggestions for good things to look for each night.

Hope you get to enjoy it soon!

Spooner Level 6 Jan 16, 2019

@SkepticalJim28 I have known people who have bought orion scopes and they seemed very well aligned right out of the box. I would not fool with it unless you know what you're doing or understand the directions on how to align the scope.

And you're sure not using the scope tonight. Hope it is clear for you Sunday.

@SkepticalJim28 In my experience, and I have an 8 in. and a 13 in dob, close is good enough for just looking around. I'm not that far from you and I have a laser devise to align the scope. It's easy and I'd be willing to come and meet you somewhere north of PHX. some time.

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