3 8

So, tomorrow morning the moon is going to occult Venus but not in the USA. Down in South America and the Pacific ocean. But, Venus will be very close to the moon here in this country so take a look. The photo is from 2009.

starwatcher-al 7 Jan 30
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It's currently too cold in my part of the US to care, so that's just fine by me. ?

Kynlei Level 8 Jan 30, 2019

I get that. When I was younger the cold never kept me from outdoors at night, now, well.....

@starwatcher-al It's currently -34°F with wind chill, but it was nearly -50 this morning. That's freeze your face off cold.

@Kynlei I think that I'd be living right next to the wood stove with those numbers. I'll take a picture if it's clear here.

@starwatcher-al It's very cold, even for us. It usually between 15 and 35 in January. It was warm enough to rain the other day, incredibly cold negative temps today and tomorrow, and supposed to be in the 50s by the weekend. It's like mother nature is on drugs or something.


I wonder if our moon is visible to the naked eye if you were on the night side in a low Venus orbit? Probably, but I doubt any of our probes have photographed that.

The moon definitely is visible if you were orbiting Venus. It's actually quite bright when seen from other parts of the solar system ans yes it has been photographed from our spacecraft that are running around the solar system.

@starwatcher-al Yeah, I've seen the more distant photos, so I guess that I should have rephrased my post that I would like to see what that looks like.

These are photos taken by our landers on Mars. The moon would definitely be visible to you if you were standing on Mars. So , Venus being closer to us, the moon would be easily seen.

@starwatcher-al Those are beautiful! I'm guessing those were taken with a telephoto lens since they look so large.

@AndrewInVail Or they were digitally enlarged like we can do with cameras once the photo has been taken. I'm not sure what the cameras on Mars are like.


The universe is so amazing. I am always in awe of the beauty.

This will be lovely in binoculars Betty, I hope you have some.

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