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Saturn, Jupiter and a distant star cloud 🌌

Dr Ski in Valencia, Philippines captured this image on July 10. It's Saturn, Jupiter, and Sagittarius B2, the molecular cloud near the center of our Milky Way galaxy. This cloud is the "steam" you see coming out of the famous Teapot pattern in the constellation Sagittarius. He wrote: "I indicated the time it would take to reach those destinations, if you could travel at the speed of light!" By the way, the moon will soon pass Saturn in our sky.

Hathacat 9 July 15
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What are the constituents of cloud?

allmighty Level 6 July 15, 2019

Basically gas and dust.

The size is breathtaking. In miles it is 9 0000 (sorry this is too much! there are 14 0s here and if I type them in I will get it wrong) Say about 150 light years. If you are planning a stag or hen night with an unusual but rather distant venue the cloud contains vast amounts of alcohol (ethanol, methanol and some other simple alcohols) served at a suitable low temperature except in the areas of star formation which would be best avoided. No life as we know it Jim but there are some esters which could be a precursor to amino acids. There is water frozen around the dust grains.

It is believed that amino came to earth from extraterrestrial source. This cloud may be the pre-amino acid mines like coal mines. I may be wrong.

@allmighty We don't need a extra terrestrial source for pre-amino acids. The early Earth probably had them in abundance as it appears that amino acids were naturally synthesised on the early Earth.

" . . . eight proteinogenic amino acids were abiotically synthesized under hydrothermal conditions, which supports the hypothesis that amino acids first appeared in submarine hydrothermal systems. In the early 50's, Miller showed that amino acids could be synthesized by the action of electric discharges on a reducing atmosphere of methane, ammonia, water and hydrogen thought to represent the atmosphere of the early earth. Later, they demonstrated up to ten natural amino acids and nine non-natural amino acids/amines could be synthesized in an electric discharge experiment."


Abiotic synthesis of amino acids and self-crystallization under prebiotic conditions

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