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The Bible as we know it was constructed for political reasons at the Nicene conference by the Emperor Constantine. Many books were left out that show a very different Jesus. The classic picture used to portray Jesus was actually the son of Borgia who became Pope.


I read the book and I wouldn't dismiss it. I know the Bible pretty well because I was heavily involved for a while. The reason I'm saying this is because if the book is right, the level of learning of all the religions in the Roman Empire at the time is spectacular and the sophistication needed to draw them together and manipulate them to create a passive people blows my mind.

brentan Level 8 June 20, 2019

I knew it. This is what actually happened. The real story.

St-Sinner Level 9 June 20, 2019

This really infuriates me,the caving among most Skeptics that Jesus really existed. It's like, OK, Jesus existed, but he was not a Christ. Well, no shit. Why give the Religiously Impaired the extra rope of conceding that Jesus existed? Sure, the Jesus MYTH was and is a composite of other myths of prophets. So what? None of this life-line slack to myth-enablers moves us one step forward to the truth.

GuyKeith Level 8 June 19, 2019

@altschmerz Not me,either. Of course, most religious skeptics have conceded that Jesus existed, which is a concession that I think is a mistake.

@altschmerz There were 9 Jesus' around the time of supposed Babble stories, none of them were the carpenter of nazareth, Jesus was not a name it was a title for a claimant to messiahship and even then it was a Latinisation of the aramaic Yoshua, made popular because it sounds like Y-Zeus (child of Zeus)
The Bubble Jesus is a mix of these people and various other mythical gods and demigods, Orpheus, Tammuz, Horus, Osiris and others .
None of "his" teachings or conjuring tricks are original.


Like all conspirathy theories, it has more holes in it than swiss cheese. It really doesn't matter whether he was a real person or ever lived, he was no more the son of god than Hercules was.

glennlab Level 10 June 19, 2019

@altschmerz yep, just lke the priiest.

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