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Festivus, for the rest of us...


How ironic that just by publishing a list of RETAILERS that they acknowledge the fact that the REASON behind the season is actually $$$$...bunch of hypocrites indeed...

I think those retailers who actually do not decorate and try to sell STUFF are more true to the season, as it were...since when did buying stuff contribute to the reason for the season?

Sure a lot of warped thinking out there...

thinktwice Level 8 Dec 12, 2019

@altschmerz hey there! So much going on...wrapping up my company for retiring, moving, surgeries, etc. yeah, life in general kept me hopping, but, things are settling down so I can be online more...I missed the banter and thoughtful commentary of this many interesting people...I welcome a bit more calm! Good to see you posting good stuff!!!!


Saturnalia all the way!


Good! I need a list of stores to boycott or call to say I’ll take my business elsewhere if they don’t stop with the christian bullshit! It’s winter solstice that we are celebrating and not some crazy virgin birth myth.


I'm all for being atheist but let's not shoot ourselves in the foot!

Christmas forever!

brentan Level 8 Nov 20, 2019

Absolutely. Winter's a drag!


I have to agree with them on Bronner's. It doesn't really matter what your stance is on religion when you walk into that store. There's something magical about it.

Their list though, completely stupid and unnecessary. What a dumb premise.

Kynlei Level 8 Nov 20, 2019

@altschmerz I grew up in Michigan, but I've only been twice and once was after I had moved out of state. I've been wanting to visit again recently if you're interested. 😂

@altschmerz Oh yeah. Super busy time of year.


The war on Christmas is over, Walmart and Amazon won

glennlab Level 10 Nov 20, 2019
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Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalists want public schools to teach the Christian Bible.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyAnd this is the behavior that followers of Abrahamic religions have emulated for centuries.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyAnd this is the behavior that followers of Abrahamic religions have emulated for centuries.

Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalists like to insist that the United States of America is a Christian nation. What do the facts show?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyI know where we can get some really big rocks…

Posted by CliffordCookIf the Christian Bible is such a great book, how come most Christians can’t bring themselves to read it all the way through even once?

Posted by CliffordCookIf Christians really believe in a god that is all powerful and will provide for all their needs, why do they keep on demanding taxpayer support for their struggling religious schools?

Posted by CliffordCookI groaned when I saw this Christian Nationalist Christmas meme posted by one of Donald Trump's supporters in Iowa. Then, I smiled when I saw how many of his Facebook friends had reposted it.

Posted by CliffordCook The Fascism of Faith Month in the US Congress U.

Posted by of-the-mountainReality!!!

Posted by of-the-mountainReality!!!

Posted by of-the-mountainReality!!!

Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalism isn't just something that's spreading in the United States.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

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