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Far-right Christians and hate groups have made a movie to say the world will end if President Donald Trump isn’t reelected. []

LuvLayne 7 July 7
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I thought those guys wanted the world to end.

brentan Level 8 July 7, 2020

Don't write this off too lightly, this is a filmed aimed at specific demographics, designed to play to fear, designed to play to nationalism disguised as patriotism and designed for a fourth grade reading level.
Lots of movement, lots of noise and colour, adventurous sounding music.
It is plain and simple rabble rousing.
Fuckwits and Morons with be literally hypnotized and brain washed by it... and they can all vote...and there are an awful lot of them who want nothing better than the promise of a land were gun totting god'ol'boys can drink beer, carry a gun and have their pick of targets, be they "queers" or "blacks" or "Pinkos" or "una-merkin demonocrats", "Atheists" or just people who might be a bit suspect.
And I pity the country that gives Trump a second term because if you do you will never be rid of him or his ilk and the Free Repulic of the United states will never be any of those things again.


That's hilarious


Didn't know they are into fantasy films

bobwjr Level 10 July 7, 2020

We'll have to risk their imaginary sky daddy’s wrath because I say the world will end if Putin’s boy gets another term.


And here's the video

Mofo1953 Level 9 July 7, 2020

Something is very wrong with so much idiocy in the US.

Truly 😪

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