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LINK German nuns 'dragged' children to be sexually abused by priests

We had the ratlines out of Europe after World War II. Pedophile priests going free all over the world now. The "Tuam babies" scandal in Ireland. Then there's this! The Catholic Church is a terrorist organization and it should definitely be disbanded.

altschmerz 9 Feb 3
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bobwjr Level 10 Apr 2, 2021

Anyone who can still believe or respect this religion has got to be pretty brainwashed and delusional.


Should be but won't be.
The Vatican has long established protocols for dealing with the likes of this.
The offenders were acting as individuals not as representatives of the church.
The current iteration of mother church cannot be held responsible for the misjudgment of past clergy.
Papal infallibility only applies on occasions of in cathedral statements and can only be judged in hindsight.
The church has endeavored to help those who have sinned, rather than condemn them.
God's way are not our ways but are invariably for the greater good, as god moves in mysterious ways.

So on and so forth, and if all else fails the Church has bolt holes all over the world where they have huge and undue political and monetary influence that would never allow the church as a religion or as a business or as a political institution to collapse.

@altschmerz or corporate manslaughter

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Posted by KilltheskyfairyAnd this is the behavior that followers of Abrahamic religions have emulated for centuries.

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