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Christian Nationalism isn't just something that's spreading in the United States. The following article comes from


The leaders of the executive and legislative branches of government in Poland are currently at work on legislation that would make blasphemy punishable by a sentence of two years in prison. The lower house of the Polish legislature has already passed a version of the proposed law.

The Roman Catholic Church has a stranglehold on politics in Poland, making the country a de facto Christian Nationalist state.

Poland already has some laws against blasphemy. Last month, under these laws, the Polish artist Krzysztof Soroka was fined the equivalent of hundreds of dollars for creating a painting that offended Christian sensibilities by protesting against Poland’s ban of abortion. The new anti-blasphemy legislation in Poland would, however, make punishments for criticizing Christianity even more severe.

CliffordCook 6 Dec 14
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Christofascist are always victims as they steal and lie to gain power to hold dominion over others!!!


There are even governments either ruled or co-ruled by religions. Shows you how evil religions are 🤬


What christians won't do to try and maintain control.

If christianity was such a good thing then citizens would be thriving. Instead they are suffering and that makes Christian Religions and in my opinion all religions a very, very bad thing indeed.

Betty Level 8 Dec 14, 2022

Welcome to the Tyranny of the Vatican! 😟

anglophone Level 9 Dec 14, 2022

Blasphemy: The Crime of your imaginary friend having his or her none existent feelings hurt by other people's opinions.
Punishable by ludicrously outraged people jumping to the point of violence on behalf of said imaginary friend being butt hurt.


Tempting to find a Polish blog and leave all kinds of blasphemous shit on it!


It seems to be a self-esteem issue in many countries today. Belonging to the good tribe means there has to be a bad tribe.

Lorajay Level 9 Dec 14, 2022

Yes both Poland and Hungary are seen as violating the "rule of law" in the European Union.

Theresa_N Level 8 Dec 14, 2022
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Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalism isn't just something that's spreading in the United States.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

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