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The Jews today refuse to believe that Jesus was the Christ or gods son. One of the main reasons they refuse to believe in him is because Jesus refused to keep the commandment of the Jewish sabbath day. All Christians can also be accused of this same sin since none of them keep Saturday holy by resting and worshiping their god. Instead they have chosen to worship on Sunday which is clearly the pagan day of worship for the Egyptian sun god. Why do the Christians claim that the ten commandments are so important and written by the hand of god himself, yet none of them follow their own gods commandments? Now I must admit there is a Christian denomination called the seventh day Adventists who preach that Saturday is still holy to their god. I have spent a lot of time with these people and I would agree that they have that part of Christianity figured out. Obviously they are not giving everything they have to the poor and dying for their beliefs like Jesus tells all his followers to do, or there would be none of them left! Jesus claims that he and his followers do not need to follow the sabbath because they are doing good works, yet his disciples were caught taking grains of food on the sabbath only to feed their empty stomachs and not to give to the poor. To the Jews the sabbath is one of the most sacred of commands and Jesus tramples it to the ground, therefore disrespecting not only Jewish religion but their god as well by lack of respect. There is no doubt about it, Jesus most definitely sinned by ignoring the Jewish sabbath day!

IpraiseMYSELF 6 June 8
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Well again you Can CHOOSE to find argument with my simple statements if you want.
They spoke to HOW I THINK.
NOT how anyone else needs to.

We are closer to agreement than Not.

I am NO Biblitarian by ANY Stretch and think your reaction Here both demonstrates exactly what I said...
AND that you could NOT possibly have viewed my profile (or the statement at the top) and not realized we are in alignment... And how opposite I am to your assumptions.

I think that it is SAD that jumping down someone's throat in argument, ALWAYS seems to be preferable by xians AND agnostics
(As opposed to ASKING A QUESTION)

Well if that is what makes you feel superior...
Knock yourself out.

I DONT find brotherhood in your approach.
Is that how you are in the world?
Is that a sample of your 'goodness' ?

Will-I-AM Level 5 June 18, 2018

There is also a current theory, among some theologians, that Jesus was never actually a Jew at all, hence his being so willing to disregard tradition and teachings.
If he existed he is widely credited as having been raised in Egypt until the age of twelve, and though there were Jewish settlements in Egypt they were not Orthodox, but were so called "mystery" sects, Gnostics, Essenes and Israelites (as opposed to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin alone).
It is obvious from the scriptures themselves that Jesus was aware of other religions and even openly refers to Buddhist Prayer wheels so may well have been exposed to their teachings.
Some even suggest that Jesus was a Hermetic, hence the the mention of three wise men at his birth being a Christian tradition even though it is not in the bible, Three wise men= Trismegistus as in Hermes Trismegistus the mythical ancient Egyptian mystic and scientist.


In Jerusalem alone at the time of the Supposed Jesus Christ there were two other messiahs, one was Jesus Barabbas a terrorist and the other was John the Baptists as the latest leader of a heretic Jewish sect . John who was considered such a political threat to both the Jews and he Romans that Flavius Josephus spends a whole chapter describing his life ministry and death by execution, where as he spends on one verse on Jesus and that is widely believed to be a forgery.
Oddly the version of John in Josephus is very different from the version in the bible and where it does agree with the bible it is not in the gospels but in the Acts of the apostles where Simon Magus is named as John's successor and the leader of a flourishing protoreligion.


Who cares?

But if you do...
There were MANY potential Messiahs at the time.

Jews were looking for a political savior...
Jesus was NOT going to be THAT.

The reason early members of the 'jesus' cult adopted the torah as the OLD testiment, was because they WANTED to Be just like Jesus... So wanted to be Jews...

The Jews simply DID NOT WANT those new converts to their culture.

Will-I-AM Level 5 June 9, 2018

They also.wanted a warrior and Jesus would not be that.

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