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Most Christians are unaware of this

LenHazell53 9 July 12
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Even when I was a child I could never really understand how you could live a life of total depravity and then get deadbed forgiveness and be saved. It seemed like cheating. It seemed the same as living a life without God and then tricking him at the last minute.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 12, 2018

People forget Hitler was a baptized catholic. For seven centuries the RC tortured and murdered Jews during their holy inquisitions in Europe. The inquisitions went on until the middle of the 19th century when the secular power defeated the papal armies and confined the pope to the Vatican. Hitler carried on the war against the heretic Jews. This RC Church is responsible for this huge genocide.

IAmLove Level 7 July 12, 2018

Very true, I find it incredibly ignorant when people say "Oh but Hitler was an Atheist" as if that matters. It is not true, as you say he was a Catholic, Mein Kampf contained one hundred and thirty references and appeals to god and Christ.
Even when Hitler abandoned Catholicism he became a member of the Thule society under the tutelage of Dieter Earhart.
He became an occultist and esoterical believer in Teutonic spirituality, in no way shape or form an atheist.

Thank you. Those are some things I didn’t know.


There you go now. God said "My thoughts are high above your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8).

brentan Level 8 July 12, 2018

High is the word, if he does exist he was stoned out of his gourd when he came up with most of the tenets of the OT

Oh, if only we had the insight to see things as God sees them but our puny minds are stuck in the gutter. I suppose prayer might help to encourage God to give us his holy spirit and we could see things in His exalted way!

I see, care to offer some proof of that? I would be very interested to know how it is that you you make declarations of such certainty, the only reason I can imagine is that you have ample evidence?

@LenHazell53 I'm just play acting. I used to be a Jehovah's Witness and had to defend God a lot when I preached to people. I'm just drawing on that experience to send up the arguments we would use. I understand it's not possible to see tongue-in-cheek in this media.

@brentan Well done mea culpa

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