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Thou shall not kill. Didn't God send his son down here to be murdered? If that's not hypocrisy, then I don't know what is!

mikebeed 7 Aug 20
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It was no sacrifice at all. God got his son back, didn't he? However, just for NOT believing, hundreds of millions will be sentenced to an eternity of torture. Makes sense, right?

GuyKeith Level 8 Aug 25, 2018

Doesn't apply to those heathens.


It is interesting from the standpoint that all the wars our country has been invalved in with the exception of maybe the first and second world wars have been directly or indirectly because of the christion religon.


The entire book is nothing but lies and contradictions.

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 20, 2018

Hypocritical, big time.


Yup the great logic of Christianity is that God put people in a garden and ordered them not to eat a fruit he knew they would eat since he is omniscient, then punished them for falling for his entrapment. Then he waits three thousand years of letting everyone go to hell for the sins of their first ancestors before turning himself in to a human version of himself, so he can go to earth and sacrifice himself, to himself, so he can forgive everyone else for what their great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandma did after he tricked her in to it.
However having done all that he adds the codicil that even if he never gives any evidence of his own existence and in fact gives lots of evidence of his not existing, if people don't swear life long fidelity to him, obedience and give him 10% of their money, they all get to still go to Hell and burn forever, rather than go to heaven and spend eternity praising him for not burning them for doing what he knew they would do in the first place until he interfered.

Grown up people believe this shit is proof of an all wise and all merciful being who created everything and tortures people because he loves them, and that is just peachy.


"Do as I say, not as I do." - the motto of so-called-Christians (especially priests and politicians)

dkp93 Level 8 Aug 20, 2018

For a guy that made a commandment against killing (though I think the correct translation is "thou shall not murder " ) he sure does a lot of killing. He goes so far as genocide. Do as I say not as I do apparently.

Also bear in mind the Hebrew word translated as Kill or Murder, ONLY applies to other Jews, killing a gentile is like killing an animal, perfectly okay in the eyes of God, because only the chosen people are real people.

@LenHazell53 , sounds like the crap the fundies here spout off.

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