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I took a course in theology in collage and to sum it up you had to beleive i guess to pass. I flunked the course. It was interesting what some of the religous scolors came up with for the writing of differant books by the way it was written.

DirtyOldManNo1 4 Aug 22
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I think that if you look at the concept of the christian religion is to save you, so the religion had to create the devil so you had something to be saved from. I read a book some time ago that started out I have some bad news and I have some good news. The bad news is that the Calvary isn't going to ride over the hill just in time to save you. The good news is that there isn't any thing to be saved from.
I really get a out of the number of people who are trying to convince everyone how religious they are and have found that a person that is doing that is a person not to be trusted.


Which college?

Heraclitus Level 8 Aug 22, 2018

gonzaga only went one quarter as they were loosing their accreditation.

Aw, the Jesuits:
"The Gonzaga educational experience prepares students to be wholehearted leaders who serve the common good and give glory to God."


Jehovah's Witnesses make a point to warn their flock off higher education. College did, or used to, draw people's attention to far-ranging topics that conflict and make a person research and contemplate. I'm not sure now. It will definitely draw a person away from the narrow belief of religion but then probably draw them into some other form of identity politics.

brentan Level 8 Aug 22, 2018

I became an atheist during college. I didn't believe in religion going in. I took multiply classes on religion and still study it. I find it endlessly fascinating.

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 22, 2018

Christianity is the ultimate if you find out the true origins and truths as to how the bible was put together and why.


I seem to recall Bertrand Russell telling a story of a student asking him which universities had fellowships in theology and his replying that it would first have to be proved to him that theology was even an educational discipline before he could give question brain space.

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