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I had my first ever dealings with the morons, I mean Mormons, yesterday . Typical bs, tap dancing around my questions. They gave me their bible and told me all of my answers were in it.A couple of 20 year olds, both named Elder, wtf?

mikebeed 7 Sep 1
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I have heard horror stories about "worthiness interviews" that get started, I think when a child is 8 years old. It sounds terrifying. Children are interrogated, and I mean interrogated about they private business and about their beliefs, etc. I have heard stories about little kids being asked if they ever committed the "sin" of masturbation, of kissing before marriage, of being shamed for being sexually abused, etc. etc. etc. Some of the interrogators "explain" the sin of masturbation if the kids don't even understand what the word means - they will touch a child's crotch and explain that is is very sinful to touch yourself there. I thought it was bad growing up in a strict shaming Protestant environment. It was bad, but not quite THAT bad.

SKH78 Level 8 Sep 4, 2018

I have met a few of those. They have toothpaste commercial smiles. They are way too cheerful. I just read that Mormon women have an extremely high rate of depression and take SSRI's like you would not believe. Gee, I wonder why????

SKH78 Level 8 Sep 1, 2018

There is actually what is being described as an epidemic of suicide among Mormons in Utah at the moment, it made the front page of the Salt Lake Tribune last week, the church of course is blaming on the influx of Non Mormons in to Utah and their upsetting and unholy disruptive influence confusing the sheep, sorry flock.

@LenHazell53 , there was a program (on hbo I believe) that was about the increase in suicides. They thought the majority of suicides were gay or trans mormons.

@freeofgod In November two years ago the first presidency of the church release a proclamation that if you are the child of a married or cohabiting gay couple, you can no longer undergo baptism at the age of eight as every other child can, even with parental permission. Children of gay people, even if they are not homosexual in and of themselves, can only become church members if

  1. they are 18 or over
  2. they do not live in their parents home
  3. They disavow their parents as living in a sinful and counterfeit life style.

You may be a member of the church (LDS) and gay if you live a celibate life style, agree being gay is a sin you are suffering from (they call it SSA same sex attraction syndrome) and at least attempt to get married and have children so that god will cure you.

In the month of December following this announcement the number of young people committing suicide in Utah rocketed to 144 and has slowed only slightly since, prompting one venerable late member of the quorum of the twelve to comment it was maybe just as well as god was more likely to for give suicide than gayness.

The overall rate of suicide in Utah is higher thn any other state and is second only percentage wise to Sweden, but considering that the population of Sweden is only about a fifth of the population Utah, the over all numbers are much higher.
Gay people top the list, followed by married women (usually overdosing on anti-depressants), married men (many of who admit that living in denial of being gay is their reason for taking their own life), transsexuals, plural wives (among the fringe cults) and children under the age of sixteen for undisclosed reasons.
The demographic with the lowest rate of suicide is the small openly atheist community.

@LenHazell53 , good info. Thanks.


Anyone on a mission is Known as Elder (M) regardless of age or Sister 🌼
They are on a mission which means they are under a strict impoverished cult regime for two years in a foreign country, they are never allowed to be alone, they must sleep, eat and wake when they are told to, work when told to and do what they are told to serve the church and they pay $thousands for the privilidge.
They have undergone missionary training a form of brainwashing based on sleep deprivation, constant chanting of repetitious platitudes, enforced reading of the "standard works" for 6 hours every day, worthiness interviews including in depth questioning on sexual thoughts and practices.
Removal of all privacy, being taught to spy on other elders and report "sin".
Constant pressure to deliver on target numbers of investigators and baptisms, failure to do so will result in being accused of faithlessness and sin preventing them spreading the word.
Many of these kids can't take it and try to go home, they are prevented, sometimes by force, and if they insist and fight back with legal help or outside help (I can tell you horror stories), will be sent home to ostracization and as a source of shame to their family and church.
Mormonism (a term now outlawed by the church itself) IS a cult, it prays on the weak, fearful and ignorant, it is isolationist for its members and presents a disguised face of lies to the world.

@icolan That is true, but in small countries like the UK they tend to go abroad, as taking away your passport for "safe keeping" is a way to stop disgruntled elders from just pissing off home.

All religions are cults. imo.

I've never seen a female in the ones around here. And they do come around here.

@icolan It doesn't. There are endless stories of Missionaries demanding back their passports and being refused, in order to give them time to "reconsider" (Being a bastard seems to be a job requirement for a mission President).
One Guy I knew of made friends with a Solicitor under the guise of being an investigator who turned up at the Mission presidents office with two police men in tow, the President claimed not to know the combination of the safe, then claimed the mission center was sovereign Utah soil and that the UK police had no authority there and only when he was arrested gave the lad his passport back, but still refused to let him leave claiming to be his legal guardian. Fortunately in the UK 18 is the age of adulthood so could not stop him.
Even when the missionary arrived at the airport an area 70 was waiting to confront him with the missionariy's father on the phone, the 70 had told his dad the boy was being kidnapped, when the truth came out the father told his son to come home and bawled out the 70.

There are endless stories, Mormons especially those in authority think the are subject only to church law (lore?) and can ignore secular law.
Another elderly couple I knew in a face book ex Mormon site who were serving a mission in Africa became involved in a kidnapping attempt, their car was driven off the road and both were badly injured, thekidnappers decided they were dead and left them. They were not dead and some tiem later were found and taken to hospital.
The church paid their hospital bills and sent them home.
The wife got home and her husband went back in to hospital in the US.
She was devastated and he died five years later from his injuries, she spent those last years fighting in court against the LDS church after they sent her an invoice for $50,000 for air fare home and African hospital fees and ending their mission early, then foreclosed on them when they refused to pay, even though they had taken out insurance with the church before leaving.

They are evil


By their bible I assume you mean their Book of Mormon. Mormons believe in the bible too, but they seldom pass out bibles.


If they were Catholics, they'd be bishops!

brentan Level 8 Sep 1, 2018



Can't tell if you are joking, but "Elder" wasn't their names it was their missionary title.

I kinda figured it was a title.

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