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Aggressive, intrusive Fundies drove me out of several jobs. This was back in the 70's and early 80's. Maybe they have learned not to preach in the workplace. Have any of you run into arrogant Fundies at work?

SKH78 8 Oct 25
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I work directly with a bunch of evangelicals and consider them friends. I fondly refer to their church as "The Cult" and after a while they were fine with it. Mostly tease each other about the other sides crazy beliefs, but at the end of the day we are pretty close.

JazznBlues Level 8 Oct 26, 2018

Only from the Tea Party. 🙂

Heraclitus Level 8 Oct 26, 2018

Absolutely. When an 18-wheeler ran me off the road and totaled my company car, one of my co-workers said: "Maybe God is trying to get your attention". I heard the same insane utterance over the phone when my wife was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Good thing that person was miles away, or I would have strangled him. A good friends car was vandalized and her "Atheist" sticker torn off. Yes, Fundies can be violent and aggressive when they feel that their mythologies are challenged.

GuyKeith Level 8 Oct 26, 2018

What an a** hole - some of those people are sociopaths. I quit a few jobs because of those intrusive, hateful jerks. Complaining to HR did no good. Seems like a lot of HR's like to side with the bullies. When I went through hardships and asked for help, I got told that every crisis is a punishment from god and bad things happen to bad people. I even had to move to a different address because of a sociopathic christian dude kept coming to my apartment building and leaving threatening notes under my door. Pious Fundies have run me down for being overweight, telling me that I am guilty of the sin of gluttony. I could go on for many pages. But I think you have heard enough.


Not as such, but we had had our furnace serviced to prepare for winter several years ago, & when my husband went to their offices to pay the bill, they were praying & were annoyed at the interruption. My husband paid the bill & told them they could shove their services, & went elsewhere.

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