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What will it take to stop abuses done by religion? Do you think there is hope to put an end to the awful stuff done by some religious people?

SKH78 8 Nov 2
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I read the suggestion that a History of Religions class in school, where pagan religions and all current major religious are discussed/ compared would help.

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 16, 2018

As Science advances, it is becoming more and more obvious that Religion (all religions) are divorced from reality. Perhaps it is only a matter of time before the label ignoramus sticks to their adherents. As for now our responsibility is to ensure a constant barrage of sarcasm and ridicule does not relent. As for the crimes committed in the name of God, the days of felons having a religious pass are over.

rcandlish Level 7 Nov 3, 2018

Education, world wide.
As little as two hundred and fifty years ago Christianity wield terrible power in the west, today it is a toothless tiger, it still has claws is still dangerous but no longer rules over communities in the way it did and each generation yields a greater and greater harvest of atheists and agnostics, the churches are emptying but for the old and frightened as the last dominated generation dies off.
The new churches in America are simply entertainment arms of the republican and bigoted tell congregations what they want to hear in order to have them enslave themselves to the politics of "terror of change". Again this is more prevalent among the uneducated and the poverty stricken seeking eternal reward for suffering in this life and the rewards of the prosperity gospel.
The remaining churches learned from their Islam cousins and now preach a gospel of hate and fear, as a far more powerful motivator than love and peace, a gospel of Jihad and Armageddon for the salvation of the faithful, a doctrine of superiority both moral and theological, a doctrine of the right (in all Senses of the word) to promised conquest for the good of all.

Education about, knowledge of and exposure of religion is and will continue to be the downfall of religion, watch just how much education for all but the most privileged is being squeezed, dominated and censored to combat exactly this.
"God" that is, the places and organisations of religion, like political parties love them a dumbed down population of eejets


It would take the Second Coming.


When they learn the truth all shall pay 4 what religion has done

zenith01 Level 5 Nov 3, 2018

Maybe. More people identify as none religious and it's the fastest growing segment of the population.

freeofgod Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

Very unlikely.

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