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When does life begin? Pro-lifers might be interested in what the Bible has to say:

altschmerz 9 Nov 11
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Serious philosophy this! See below.

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 16, 2018

That's right, the bible never says that life begins at conception. But, of course, to know that you would have to actually read the bible.

Heraclitus Level 8 Nov 11, 2018

Life never really begins nor ends. It is a continuation of existence from one manifestation to another. It is once again an example of the Christians shoving their views down the throats of the rest of humanity.

@icolan - You don't know until you get there. This is not an easy answer especially when you realize the functions of "Time." We understand time as a reference in this existence, but time is relative. Also there is not just one universe, but an infinite number of universes whos natural laws may not reflect the natural laws of this universe. So, the question is where do we go next or where did we come from last.....possibilities are endless.

I think it's an interruption in nothingness so we better appreciate it.

@brentan - Nothingness by definition means that nothing doesn't exist. You can't create something from nothing

@icolan - The existence of other universes is now an accepted theory in physics. Something does NOT come from nothing.

I mean in the sense of consciousness. It's not much consolation that our parts are somewhere out there somewhere. But when we have the good fortune to be born, that's special.

@brentan - Think in broader terms. How do you know how many times you have been born and in what form. Think outside the box.

@icolan - Google: Evidences of other universes

@Our_existance I think, under the circumstances of the cosmos, once is an absolute miracle!

@brentan - Broaden your view....think outside the box. You are correct that the fact we exist in this particular existence is what you call a "miracle." The universe has no caring about whether life exists or not. It's here today and gone tomorrow by something like an asteroid collision, super nova, black hole.This lone planet could in theory be gone in an instant and everything with it. Yet, a collision with our panet may cause something called transpermia where remnants of life here may land in an environment elsewhere where it could survive and thrive. In fact, this maybe be a reason why life rose on this planet to begin with.

@Our_existance Accepted theory of physics? Accepted by some maybe, but not endorsed by all. A possibility perhaps, but not a fact. Too many suppositions involved to be traded with confidence.

@rcandlish - Google: Existence of a mulitverse

@Our_existance I know the arguments, as I said a possibility perhaps, but there are far too many presuppositions involved to certify as fact.

@rcandlish - give it will become a known fact eventually. Took time to figure out the earth went around the sun and not the other way around

@Our_existance Isn't this an example of having faith in an idea?

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