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I just had my heart slowly destroyed because I gave a Christian a chance. Now I fucking hate them even more. He told me in the beginning that he was ok with me being an atheist, and that he was committed to me either way. He said I was perfect and that he’d waited his whole life for me. We made plans for the future, and I started taking steps towards that future. But then he suddenly stopped talking to me. He stopped asking to see me and saying nice things to me. I would beg him for an explanation and for nearly 4 months he made up excuses for himself. He lied multiple times. We met for lunch thanksgiving week and discussed how to help me trust this relationship. We agreed to tell our families about each other. I did. He did not. There were so many lies during this time. My depression was at an extremely level for the duration of this torture. Last Saturday I finally demanded that he say what was going on (after days and days of him not responding to me). He finally admitted that something was up. He had been praying and god told him to do more to be a “good Christian”. So I’m out. And instead of saying so long ago he cruelly gave me false hope that our beautiful future was still possible. Four months of hell. What a cowardly hypocrite. That’s what Christians do. They treat people like total shit because their imaginary ruler will forgive all sins. I won’t. And I made sure he knew that and how I really felt about his stupid cult of guilt and fear. Not sure if this is the right group to post about this, but man I just hate them so much, and now I hate them even more.

ForesterJenny 5 Dec 18
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This post sounds like you are extremely hurt and I can not blame you for being hurt and disappointed from what I have just read. But let me tell you something that may make you change your feelings toward people who claim to be Christians. I learned that people have been put on this planet to learn, Our #1 reason that we are here is to learn. We ourselves teach others how to treat us, so in part we can only blame ourselves for the way we are treated by others because we taught them. You have said some key things that I learned that you taught him how to treat you when you said that "You begged him for an explanation." I also learned that people that are Christians do not think for themselves, the bible and the church is doing all of the thinking for them so they do not have real relationships. Their relationships are with Jesus, (who died on the cross 2000 Years ago) They are trying to learn about relationships from a ghost. So in essence you are in competition when you try to have a relationship with a Christian. especially if they are very deep into their belief system. They do not see anyone else perspective besides their own because they see life from a extreme ethical perspective almost to the point of puritanical. (They can do no wrong, because of their salvation.) A person has got to come to a realization about their own personal beliefs within themselves in seeing how they treat other people. It is part of a journey that only they can go on and change their course of direction if they choose. A lot of the Christian religious system is very mental like a lot of other belief systems are no matter what belief you may hold be it, Muslim, Mormon, Catholic, Epicapalion, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Seventh day adventist, and the many others that exist. So I learned to hate the behavior but love the person. Their behavior towards you and your relationship is what you want to change, and the only person that can change their behavior is them. You can share a journey with them but you can not take it for them. They have to learn to grow or go on their own just like you do they are just choosing to see life from a different perspective than you do. Also since their have been so much behavior that you can not trust then you would have no other option than to keep him out of your life, since he can not be trusted. You will meet other people that claim to be christians and not all christians are bad there is bad and good in every belief system. But please don't hate them, just learn from them and become a better person because hating them doesn't teach you or them anything at all!!!

I can agree with most of what you said. But I reserve the right to hate them, especially right now. I have felt so oppressed by Christians around here for so long and this just added big time to what I can only describe as PTSD associated with religion. I was actually allowing myself for the first time in a very long time to make peace with Christianity but then this happened. It’s hard


Religion ruins people’s lives and your story is more proof. I’m sorry for what happened to you.

Charliesey Level 7 Dec 18, 2018

Thanks. Me too ?


Which is why I don't involve myself with them & their sky daddy.

Our daughter unfortunately married a xian nutter & got brainwashed into it as she was never one to question anything....ever. We told them long ago the subject must be kept closed if we are to remain civil, but there is that wall between us at all times. At least we don't live in the same cities, so visits are few.


I'm so sorry. Good Christians are hard to find. My parents were deeply religious, humble people. My father was even a minister at one time. When I came out as an atheist, they did not love me any less. Unfortunately, this is the exception, rather than the rule. Lesson learned, don't take a chance. Christians can claim to be tolerant, and might be for a while....but they can have a revival of their judgmental faith, go down the aisle, rededicate and then you're in trouble. Christians are under extreme peer pressure from other Christians who use manipulation, guilt and terror to make other Christians do what THEY think they should do.

"Why are you dating that atheist, Satan worshiper?!?!?" This is probably what happened. I've seen it first hand and Christians can get vicious. I hope you find someone who shares your philosophy and values. Good luck.

GuyKeith Level 8 Dec 18, 2018

I agree that this is exactly what happened

@ForesterJenny I know that it was painful, but at the risk of sounding trite and obvious, you dodged a bullet. If you had married, then things would be much, much worse. Don't settle. There is a growing number of non-Religiously Impaired men out there.

@GuyKeith unfortunately I love in Mississippi where it seems everyone is a damn fairy tale loving nutjob. Thanks for the encouragement though, I’ll be ok

@ForesterJenny I know. I moved away from Memphis 8 years ago. When I came out as an atheist, I could not find a woman that would even talk to me, much less date me. It was like I was worse than a serial killer. Christian judgmentalism is harsh and unforgiving. I was kicked out of Facebook High School Alum Groups and even threatened with death for voicing my adversion to religion. Christianity has changed. It is nothing like what was taught to me as a child by my parents. Colorado is much more tolerant, but not perfect.

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