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I’d like to find some information on the Canaanites and Philistines and all those people ?THE LORD? ordered the Israelites to kill. So I was googling and I found a lot of religious websites basically condoning genocide. Not that it’s anything I haven’t heard before, but they still make me sick.


When you read all the passages commanding them to kill all the men and all the women and all the children and all the livestock, and you’re told that these people deserve to die, well, doesn’t that give you an excuse to just dehumanize anybody and say kill them all? Is that what fueled the belief behind Manifest Destiny? How can any Christian organization, that believes the Bible is the actual word of God, be antiwar? This isn’t limited to the past - it’s happening now.

altschmerz 9 Mar 6
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Sadly, the practice of religion often has very little to do with God (assuming he exits), if at all. Sometimes it is even difficult to distinguish the worship of God from the worship of Satan.

@Closeted Yes, in the Book of Job, Satan is the rational adversary who goads Yahweh into testing Job.


There is an interesting detail about God apparently having a timeline for the punishment of these peoples.:

In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure." - Genesis 15:16.

Ironically, this idea of a people who are evil through and through has been the cause of so much suffering for the Jews themselves and it isn't over by any means from what I read in the newspapers.

brentan Level 8 Mar 7, 2019

And you know what, there is hardly any actual historical evidence for these genocidal crusades at all, except for when the the Israelites fought the Hitites, for which there is an historical record from the Hitites basically laughing at the attempted attack by the Israelites and mockingly explaining how they kicked their ass and sent one third of them back to Jerusalem with their tail between their legs, under orders to never come back, with the house of Jacob still claiming a great victory to their own uniformed masses.


I can recommend Ken's Guide to the Bible. It is available on Amazon for as little as $8 new and $1.75 used.He quotes exactly the Bible verses and puts in his own two cents as well. Well done.

GuyKeith Level 8 Mar 6, 2019
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