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That heinous criminal in Colorado - murdered his wife and their two children to "get them out of the way" so he could be with his mistress - he announced that he has found God and is forgiven. His relatives have publicly stated they forgive him. I am shaking my head.

SKH78 8 Mar 9
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There is a difference between forgiveness and foolishness.
It used to be that Christian forgiveness required repentance. That meant turning your life around in a definitive way and making retribution for the damage you had done. Nowadays, forgiveness often seems to mean nothing more than a prayer.

Heraclitus Level 8 Mar 10, 2019

Forgiveness maybe therapeutic for those doing the forgiving, stops them from ripping themselves emotionally for life.
HOWEVER forgiving is not pardoning, it maybe helpful to forgive, but is it the height of dangerous idiocy to forgive AND forget
They are still accountable and responsible for their past evil.
You forget and pardon the proven potential of the psychotic at your peril and the peril of all others.


The God bullshit may have caused this senseless tragedy to begin with.

St-Sinner Level 9 Mar 10, 2019

And that’s why god is so’s easy, cheap, fast, convenient, and all you have to do it is repent to cheesus and pray a couple of nonsense prayers, and puff...all your sins will be forgiven.


SOS I guess....find God, you're saved...smdh


Anybody can say they found gawd, to get away with their crimes.


That's the first I've heard a motive. What I read said he really didn't know why he did it. I see a lot of people telling him to kill himself or wishing harm or death upon him. I understand that people are angry, but that seems counter productive.

Kynlei Level 8 Mar 10, 2019
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