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These verses: “Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God.” (2 Peter 20-21 NAB)

These two verses are staggering in exposing Christian hypocrisy. The buck stops with the God concept.

GuyKeith 8 Mar 18
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I've used this before, but this seems like a good place "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, then that of blindfolded fear.”

  • Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr (1787)
glennlab Level 10 Mar 18, 2019

Exactly . I am going to make a pic out of this post and have it handy for anyone who tells me " oh of course u can't take the Bible literraly , u know some is metaphorical speaking ". Thank u ?

Pralina1 Level 9 Mar 18, 2019

Another good question to ask a Christian: "What is your methodology for determining what in the Bible is literal, allegory, metaphor or just simply a lie?" I have yet to get an answer, because there isn't one. Cherry-picking at its worst. If a Christian claims that Adam, Eve and the talking snake were just allegory, then what is to keep me from saying the same about John 3:16?

@GuyKeith EXACTLY . And thank u .

???? To make u laugh ?

@Pralina1 And thank you, Sweetie, for sticking with me. I hope you are doing well. ?❤

@GuyKeith I am fine but this site is not useful or honest or real for me without u here often sir . We missing u . We , I don't have a mouse in my pocket , " we " stands for many of us boys and girls , we have noticed that u are not here often ?

@Pralina1 Do not despair, I am only taking a break. I will always be here for you ???


What's so terrible about those verses?

brentan Level 8 Mar 18, 2019

Are you serious?

@GuyKeith Yes.

@brentan These verses, taken literally, and the verses state that they must be, totally pulls out the rug on apologetics. They state that all verses are divinely inspired and must be taken literally. The verses are horrific and explain things like the recent shootings, snake handlings and the fundamentlist religious cancer that is destroying free-thought and fomenting hatred and intolerance. Serious, dude, if you are trolling me, fuck off. If you are not and really believe this garbage, then fuck off twice.

@GuyKeith I think you're far too angry to engage with at the moment.

@brentan And I think that is one of the worst deflections ever. Are you a peek-a-boo Christian, leaving the door open just in case? I'm saying that the Bible, as written, cannot be defended as a moral guideline. Defend it if you can, but don't tell me what my emotions are.

You've gone off on a tangent. I was willing to discuss the two verses. You told me to fuck off. I said I would.

@brentan I said "If you are trolling me". I guess this answers the question.

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