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Random thought at 5 am, since I can't sleep:

For my entire life, I have always seen signs with something along the lines of, "Jesus is coming, are you ready?" with a phone number to call. They line highways and backroads all across America. The signs sit there and fade in the sun, rot away from the rain, sometimes for decades. Yet, there is no second coming of Jesus.

There are many people who claim to be the next Jesus, the next Mary, or the next messiah. Those people are almost always labeled as "crazy" by the majority of others, religious or otherwise.

How is it, though, that Christians can believe in the Original Jesus™️ and not in those who claim to be the next? Isn't that what they've been waiting for?

It's all so absurd to me. Surely they must realize that something is wrong with the entire premise. They've been throwing a party for the last 2000 years, but the guest of honor hasn't showed up. At some point, you'd think they'd stop and say, "You know guys, I don't think he's coming." and pack it up.

I know that asking the majority of religious people to use their brains is too much. I am glad that some are able to eventually realize that it's all bullshit and get out of it. Here's hoping that someday religion will be a thing of the past.

And that I can get some sleep.

Kynlei 8 Aug 9
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We need our own billboards to the effect of what you're saying.

I'll design them if someone else will pay for it. 🙂


Yeah, sleep is way more important.


In my perception, there are people who can't think in a logical, rational way. They need to believe in something supernatural, and they are easily brainwashed. I think of the quote by George Carlin (how I miss him ! ) "Think of how stupid the average person is, then remember half are even stupider." Many people are not intelligent. Too bad.

SKH78 Level 8 Aug 9, 2019

YUp because if there is no god and devil, then you are completely responsible for you own life, your actions and for dealing with the good and bad shit that happens to you by chance.

Most people cannot or will not cope with that


Your fundamental error is the presupposition that Christians are capable of logic thought and rational behaviour.

No, I realize that fact. I said that asking them to use their brains is too much.

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