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A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. Yes, I'm sure God knows what tacos are and can talk to you and tell you to give them away.

Kynlei 8 Aug 28
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Served with El Diablo sauce ? Only with a quart of beer.....gracias Senior haysuz Nunez....for this taco terrific free tasting event ....I shall encourage other owners to give back in my community sans magical murmurs


Indoctrination tacos, loaded with Jesus bullshit, Christian's love em.

nogod4me Level 8 Oct 10, 2019

It’s amazing what people think the deity that they believe to be the supreme commander of the entire universe occupies his time with


It's wonderful he gave back to the community! ❤

Yes, but do it because it feels good, not because "God" told you to.


I guess we must be thankful that the voice didn't say. "Now cream those tacos with jizz!"

Mofo1953 Level 9 Aug 28, 2019

I think a voice told him free tacos for a day will cost him a few hundred. People will buy drinks and sides. The voice then told him people will hear of his establishment and the few hundred he spent will be less than the massive marketing scam he is pulling.

Heathenman Level 7 Aug 28, 2019

Sounds more like the truth. Shrewd business man!

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