7 6

WAIT! WHAT?? Hahahahaha!
Idaho Man to SCOTUS: Using My Social Security Number Violates My Christian Faith

MojoDave 9 Sep 1
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I recall a similar case a few years back when an employee at and Amazon warehouse was fired because he refused to wear his ID badge because his employee number was 666 and as a Christian he refused to be "Branded" with the number of the beast.
He was of course fired and took Amazon to an unfair dismissal tribunal, needless to say he lost and became a national laughing stock when his story made all the tabloids.
This seems to be a major difference between the UK and the USA when it comes to religion (or at least Christianity) we are willing to point and laugh at utter stupidity, where as the Americans can always find another influential idiot to back them up.


probably just a Libertarian


The mark of the beast and all that stuff. I can imagine the chaos if everybody could make demands based on their private interpretations of the Bible.

brentan Level 8 Sep 2, 2019

Such bullshit!


And the Lord said, "If you use a social security number, I shall strike thee down with great vengeance! " Book of Dan, chapter 13, 13th verse, page 666.



Total bullshit. Everyone is entitled to due process under the law, but not to Special Pleading.

GuyKeith Level 8 Sep 1, 2019


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