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MN School Board Leader: Why Do We Teach Evolution If “It’s Never Been Proven”?

MojoDave 9 Sep 12
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How does someone like her get a position? I would think her peers would set her straight!


Fucking ignorants!

Mofo1953 Level 9 Sep 13, 2019

Someone needs to inform this blithering idiot that science and scientific theories are never proven. Proof is for liquor and mathematics. Scientific theories, including the Theory of Evolution are subject to falsification. Falsification is a method to render a theory false, if indeed it is false. Evolutionary theory fits all the requirements for a good scientific theory.

Science observes, then explains. Compare with religion, which starts with a firm conclusion, then sniffs around the compost pile for quote mining and other dishonesty to try to discredit evolutionary theory. They have tried for over 150 years and failed miserably.

Evolutionary theory is the cornerstone of the biological sciences and without it nothing makes any sense at all. Evolutionary Theory has become stronger and stronger throughout the years despite many attempts to falsify it. Sure, scientists have disagreed about the specific mechanism of evolution, but to try to use this as a wedge to discredit evolutionary theory and sneak their god in the back door of the Science classroom is dishonest and laughable.

Creationism is the opposite of science. In a nutshell, science observes, then explains. Creationism starts with a rigid conclusion and then looks around for natural phenomena that might support this conclusion. This is the same thing as shooting an arrow into a wall and then painting a bull’s eye around it. Science is self-correcting and ever changing. If a theory is falsified, science picks itself up and starts looking for another explanation, for science has no other agenda. Creationism cannot be falsified, it is inflexible, never changing. Creationism is religious dogma and nothing else.

Only the irrational, the intellectually impaired and the incredibly stupid can’t see that evolution theories such as theory of change by decent through modification are the only demonstrable means of explaining the wide diversity of life that we observe on this planet. This issue makes the U.S.A. a laughingstock to the rest of the world and should have been dead and buried decades ago. It makes me sick to have to continue to fight this flood of ignorance in this day and time, but hopefully truth and science will prevail and mankind will one day throw off this yoke of myth and superstition.

-From Ruthless Reviews (My rant on Fuck Creationism)

GuyKeith Level 8 Sep 12, 2019

Excellent rant!


I could fill this entire page with HAHA's and it still wouldn't be enough!

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 12, 2019


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