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Watching this today. Excellent, fascinating! I highly recommend!
Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary (48 min)

MojoDave 9 Sep 14
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There is evidence that the Jesus in the Bible is not the real Jesus. His teaching was much more esoteric based on some books found in Coptic Egypt. We know virtually nothing about him from about age 14 until age 30ish.

He probably never existed, the gospel Jesus is composite character, one of them was definitely at least aware of Buddhist prayer mantras since he mocks them

Matthew 6:7
"And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words."

@LenHazell53 The repetition is not the words. It is the rhythm which enhances meditation. Jews also do it. Watch someone at the wailing wall pray.

You went to Kashmir and became a Buddhist. The video above shows evidence.

@Our_existence Interesting idea that backs up the theory if Jesus thought of Jews as Gentiles?

@Our_existence, @MojoDave Very likely some one did, but around the time of the various dates the gospels set themselves in there were 9 people adopting the title of Jesus (Jesus ben Stada was on historical record as having been crucified by the romans for proclaiming himself king of the Jews) , and the gospel jesus (title not name) quotes or carries out acts from all of them and two others who did not call themselves Jesus (Hillel the elder and Apollonius of Tyre)
So I agree there is ample evidence that some of the sayings and doings of at least 1 Jesus were Buddhist, he may even have been a Lama and found by other Buddhists seeking the reincarnation of a previous leader (the wise men/magi) but the Jesus of the Gospels is a made up character encompassing the "best bits" of various stories, much like the character of Robin Hood takes legends from at least four sources, but the man himself never existed as told in myth.

@altschmerz True but I could name twenty scholars of equal renown who say he didn't.
There is not enough evidence to say definitively he did exist, there is lots of evidence for 9 other Jesus' who all make up parts of the gospel jesus. I choose to embrace the latter, I maybe wrong, but I err on the side of caution.

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