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Hahahahahahahaha! What a maroon! (
Bishop: Daughters Should Be Uneducated So They’re Not Smarter Than Husbands
This is what happens when a moron interprets a 2000 year old historical fantasy!

MojoDave 9 Oct 6
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Old Testament gibberish is 2500 years running lies....New Testament conspiracies are 1700 years AND NO OLDER ....BOTH English retranslations of retranslations of retranslations are no older than Shakespeare and all is insane genocidal misogynistic abortion and rape instructions for Hebrews to RIP OPEN THE BELLIES OF PREGNANT WOMEN.. hard for women to learn reading bleeding in so much pain


In some parts of the world, girls and women are forcibly kept out of school or threatened with death. Look at what happened to Malala Yousafsai.

SKH78 Level 8 Oct 26, 2019

The alleged xian story is no older than 18 centuries and the calendar is back dated 14 centuries....this 2000 anything lie is pure gibberish of fools


There is nothing "historical" about King James bibles nor Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers or Deuteronomy.....all of it is insane gibberish translated translated again translated deliberately falsely and translated again impossible to trace to anything that might be considered an original sliver of "words" without vowels and without dots where the vowels MIGHT go by ALLEGED tradition of tradition of traditions of competing disagreeable traditions of how to sound out these alleged words....calling this religious DUNG PURE EXCREMENT HISTORY is proof of incompetence and apology for genocidal misogynistic brutal institutional IGNORANCE


OMFG ... reminds me of the late Phyliss Schlafly (may she NOT rest in peace) who bitterly complained that too many women go to college and that means they will not find husbands, because many men want uneducated women. Of course, Phyllis had multiple degrees herself, including a law degree, so "do as I say, not as I do." Such pathetic idiots.

SKH78 Level 8 Oct 6, 2019

I have an autograph from Phyllis Schafly on the back page of the American Atheist Magazine with a nuke detonation mushroom cloud drawing and a year old quote of Schafly on the skyline: " The Atomic Bomb is a marvelous gift from a wise gawd." SIGNED

When I showed her the front cover she smiled and said I will autograph all you have as I've done egotistical lunatic

sounds like she just didn't want any competition in her career field! lol


Some one is plagiarizing some one here because Prez M. Russel said the same thing at the Mormon general conference this weekend.

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Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalists want public schools to teach the Christian Bible.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyAnd this is the behavior that followers of Abrahamic religions have emulated for centuries.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyAnd this is the behavior that followers of Abrahamic religions have emulated for centuries.

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Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

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