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Just some thoughts about ANZAC Day.
"Lest we Forget" should not be just about the fallen, it is also about why we go to war. Our diggers didn't sacrifice their lives only to see our government become a lacky to a fascist America and allow our land to be purchased by foreigners.
I am glad it has become ANZAC Day again as it was becoming ANZAC week/ month a few years ago. It's a day of reflection of sacrifice, not glorification of war.
During my brief 3 years service, I represented the RAA at the cenotaph in Brisbane in '88 on this day, reversing arms with my Navy and Airforce peers. So I do have a sense of the occasion and respect the fallen, which is why it makes me angry seeing todays politicians glorifying this day.

Lest we Forget

powder 8 Apr 24
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And remembrance can be very different for some Australian citizens:


FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 24, 2020

@powder That sadly didn't extend to post war returned soldier's "benefits".


I agree with my friend, I had 2 Uncles who fought in WWII, one at Tobruk and the other against the Japanese both at Kokoda and through the islands around New Guinea.
While Uncle Art would rarely talk about his experiences, Uncle Dave would often relate his times at Tobruk to me.
The way our Political Leaders (????) are selling Australia out from under the feet of everyone turns my stomach and grates on my nerves since both my Uncles put their lives on the line for this country and future generations this is, imo, how our money-grubbing, slime-bag politicians honour the memories of men like my Uncles.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 24, 2020

Reflect on the fact that many poliicians now do not have Australian heritage in their family lines but come from nations originally excluded from Australia by the "Whites Only Policy" or from countries at war with Australia.


For many years I broadcast a Rememberance Day 3 hour special. It was very much directed in memory of the millions of civilians killed in wars around the world.

In reflection I now I realise that my broadcasts were unique - no one else in the stations ever did anything other than play Eric Bogle's "the Band Played Waltzing Matilda". A song that Eric usually acknowledges being the poorest of his war song writing efforts.

Erics yhoughts on the song at; []

See also "On Anzac Day." & "In researching Bogle material for my Anzac Day post "" I encountered the following page on ..."

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 24, 2020

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