3 0

OK, I'm really getting agitated here. It's doing my head in. Read the following article from which I've made this BS list.

1)$850 million going to care homes, majority run by god botherers. Onya happy clapper wanker morrison.
2) The way to "fight" virus is to download a "voluntary" tracking app, then cabinet will decide if us plebs deserve our freedom.
3) Apparently kids don't spread Covid19 but are banned from nursing homes??????
4) Apparently blanket testing isn't important to trace the spread but downloading an app is very important????????
5) mandatory flu inoculation for care facility visitors essential, but Covid19 tests for same visitors..........Ah we'll make that one voluntary??????

Dr Murphy, you are a fuckwit
"Dr Murphy said there was increasing evidence from Europe to show that transmission of coronavirus among children was not happening.
But he did speak about plans to test some aged care workers, healthcare workers and elective surgery patients — all of which would be voluntary.
"We want to assure the community and sample sections of the community just to make sure that our confidence that we don't have significant asymptomatic transmission is correct," Dr Murphy said.
He said an "active surveillance" plan to test healthy, asymptomatic people in the community wasn't an effective way of monitoring the spread of the virus, given the low amount of positive results being returned across Australia to date."
(quote from article, powder)


powder 8 May 1
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Okay trying to look at each point.

  1. Where I live there are three nursing homes all run by independent companies none with religious affiliations, is the money only going to the god botherers? Then it is the same way he funds education nothing to the public school everything to independent ones that support him.
  2. The sheeple are flocking to it thinking it makes them safer, I have been working the whole time as the NT closed borders quickly we have had no community spread and schools stayed open. However even if I had a phone that would take the app I would not download it and it is up to people to refuse (most won't they are sheep)
  3. As a teacher do not even get me started.
  4. Follow the money who created the app and who makes money out of it. What will they use it for next? Hence point 2
  5. Did not know about that one but have not been going to nursing homes lately. I was visiting my aunt in one when the lockdown in Vic started and had to have my temperature taken each day. I tried to go to the one that my father was in to see some of the residents we had made friends with but you have to have an appointment so we decided to wait.

I too find some of the this is okay that is not okay confusing. There seems to be contradictory information given out. I am in the NT so we are the safest place in Australia. They are starting to ease up restrictions and now I am starting to worry. What if they ease them up too quickly? What is someone is positive but asymptomic and we get community spread? It is not simple.

Budgie Level 8 May 3, 2020

It seems to me, living out here in the 'forgotten' back-blocks of Australia, that this Covid-19 'testing' is ONLY extended to the regions where the majority of the voting public reside.
No G.P's have received Testing Kits containing more than 100 kits for the whole time we have been in Self-Isolation/Social Distancing, etc, etc, our hospital, so I have been informed by a very reliable source, has only been issued 300 Testing Kits with an attached proviso that kits must be reserved mainly for Hospital Staff, local Dignitaries/Society Leaders and the local Indigenous Community.
Thankfully thus far we have ONLY had 4 suspected cases, 3 turned out to be a common cold, 1 was confirmed and has since recovered fully but I ask WHY is the Government saying that voluntary Testing is NOW available to everyone when,

  1. we have a population of 19,000 people out here in Broken Hill PLUS the families and workers, etc, from other smaller towns, Grazing Properties, etc, in this region and ONLY a supply of approx. 400 Testing Kits,
  2. IF the Government is so intent upon getting EVERYONE tested then WHY not mobilize teams armed with testing kits and send them from door to door, house to house,
  3. WHY does seem that their attention is ONLY directed towards the heavily populated, majority of voters and not including those of living, etc, in the 'bread and meats baskets' of this country as well, are we just Expendable in their narrowed eyes?
Triphid Level 9 May 1, 2020

And probable effing thieves and sycophants described as "local dignatories/society leaders" who should be in jail!

No wonder they daren't have a bill of rights making "all equal".

Disgusting. Scumbag Morrison.

@powder it only activates post event ie. When someone proves positive by which time half the population could be infected.

@powder I agree to a point but testing is far more important than merely tracking the day to day movements of everyone in this vast country.
In my opinion, IF they had 'blanket tested' everyone from the start then they'd already have a compiled list of where everyone was, went and with whom.
A very similar system has been in place for decades in regards to other communicable diseases such as Sexually Transmitted Infections and given that in very remote regions like I live in where mobile phone signals drop out after one is further than 15 kilometres from town then it is bloody well near useless.
Plus, imo, what good does it do for anyone really, to keep track of them, wait until they MAY have come in contact with someone with Covid-19 then wait while Amazon's Computer Systems sort through every strand of tracking information and THEN notify them, perhaps, hours or even days later because the Amazon Computer Systems have gone into overload with new data coming in non-stop?
Would it NOT have been more advisable and prudent to have tested EVERY Australian within the first weeks or months and then re-test again on a weekly or fortnightly basis?
They can mail out Bowel Cancer Testing kits every year so WHY not mail out Covid Testing kits to every household, etc, etc.?

@powder the testing happens when someone goes to hospital with temperature, cough, or difficulty breathing. It then goes into operation backtracking who that covid19positive has been in contact with.

@powder 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 tell 'em to spin on it 🌵

@powder Move out here M8, once you've about 100 yards west past Dubbo you've virtually disappeared from radar UNLESS, of, course you are Cotton or Rice Grower that is, then they will do the line from the Indepence Day movie, "go down on one knee so as it brings the lips in direct contact with the 'booty."
Cross the bridge at Wilcannia and you've not only vanished from radar but entered into the " lands that Politicians have seemingly forgetten about UNTIL Election Times or Taxations times come around, then they are all over the place flies on a pile of fresh steaming turds.

@powder that's why I don't put selfies up.


Number 4. intrigued me. I misread "blanket" and as I'm inhospial read it for the blanket on my bed!

The cubicle privacy screens now made of some recycled material lasting 2 years (similar to the 99c. shopping bag material) is not disinfected regularly nor is the label filled out with the date of each screen's installation!

My big gripe is people not being asked to wear face masks of any description to prvent their spittle, gob shite and other oral & nasal fluid spreading more than ¼" from their face. Even the Americans are accepting the use as logical, considerate and pandemic preventive.

I'm still waiting for my Federal MP to get back to me on the mask issue.

@powder What's more you have to be in contact for 15 minutes for it to register - I was led to believe one infected droplet is all that is required. A friend pointed out that each joggers passing 5 metres away is likely to leave you with at least 5 droplets.

@powder And of course it is another "support local industry" initiative - it's run by the Americans!

@FrayedBear Well don't hold your breath waiting for a response/reply.

@FrayedBear I doubt that any 'droplets' exhaled can travel 5 metres, more likely 2 to 3 metres at a maximum given that anything heavier than air is eventully overcome by the force of Gravity.

@FrayedBear I'm with you, if the idea is to track the spread, the idea of a 15 minute "qualification" time doesn't make sense. You could get a quickie in less time than that, I'm told. 🤣

@Cyklone Clinton & whatsername thought they could do it faster!

@Triphid I'm not but I had to challenge their dogmatic nonsense.

@Triphid Farmers sprays are known to travel upto 150 klms before landing.

People mouths are huge sprays :

@FrayedBear Who ever told you that spraying by Farmers can travel up to 150klms is most definitely leading you up the garden path.
Even the droplets from Aerial Spraying aircraft are released at very low altitudes from around 60 metres to 120 metres to gain the maximum effect of the spray on the crop below.
Good, well trained Crop Duster Pilots are NOT the drunken Cowboy types as picture in the Indepence Day movie, that is Holly wood myth and over dramatisation.
Yes, human mouths do act as sprayers BUT they rely solely upon the musculature of the diaphragm, the Intercostal muscles and those of the trachea and the bronchi which do NOT have the ability or strength to propel dropelets more than a maximum of 1.5 to 2.5 metres even when a person sneezes or coughs.
I'll wager with you that IF you can find any person who can actually spit from an erect, standing, stationary position WITHOUT the advantage of a tailing breeze/wind any further than 5 feet in a horizontal line BEFORE the sputum drops to the ground then I will send you $20 BUT you must have and show TOTALLY independent, irrefutable motion film evidence to support your erroneous claim.
OH, and IT must be done on flat, level ground NOT from an elevated height like a roof, tall building, etc.

@Triphid don't dispute your mechanics/math. As you say wind is the factor. Tractor spraying with maladjusted vents are the biggest problem. I think both articles point out the over spray problem.

@Triphid i live in a cancer hotspot much believed to be from farmer applicant misuse but also over spray. All of course denied by Monsanto.

@FrayedBear Tractor spraying is so low to the ground that gravity takes hold of the droplets even before the wind or breezes can get a grip on them.
Have you actually been involved and worked with Tractor Spraying by any chance?
I have, with both Tractors and Crop Dusters in my late teens when working on the Tandou Cotton and Grain Property just outside of Menindee, N.S.W.
Sprays travel nowhere near the 150 kms you cited, trust me on that one, I've been both a Flagman marking the spray lines for Crop Dusters, driven huge Stieger Panther Tractors rigged with spray booms and even stood in as pilot for a Crop Duster from time to time as well.

@FrayedBear " Cancer hotspot' you say, my Father was born in either Ballarat or Bendigo in a house on Waterbag Road in the year 1905.
He worked his life in the Mines up here where Radon Gas exudes from the rocks everywhere but he didn't die from cancer, he died from a massive stroke and the affects of Parkinsons Disease.

@Triphid proving Radon is less dangerous than Monsanto chemicals?

@Triphid Spraying: from
"Vapor drift, or volatility, refers to the ability of an herbicide to vaporize and mix freely with air. The amount of vapor drift varies depending on herbicide, formulation, and weather and soil conditions. Some herbicides are more volatile than others. Volatile herbicides may produce vapors that can be carried great distances from the target area to other crop sites. Vapor drift also may depend on the volatility of formulation. For example, the synthetic auxin herbicide 2,4-D is available in formulations that differ in volatility. The order of 2,4-D volatility is 2,4-D ester (short chain) >2,4-D ester (long chain) >2,4-D amine. MCPA, clopyralid, and triclopyr are other synthetic auxin herbicides (besides 2,4-D) that are produced in ester forms. Dicamba is another hormonal-type herbicide that may drift in vapor form even though it is formulated as a salt. In general, herbicide injury symptoms and damage are more severe and more often from physical spray-particle than from vapor drift."


"PAN cites research showing that upwards of 95 percent of applied pesticides miss their target, reaching nearby people and wildlife, waterways, soil and air instead. Besides this “spray drift,” PAN also warns of so-called “volatilization drift”—whereby pesticides evaporate into the air from off of crops or out of the soil for up to several days following an application."

Wheat & canola farmland surrounds the village.

@FrayedBear The chemical known as Radon was banned from use in Radox brand Bath Salts due its cytotoxic nature.
Yes spray do volitize but nowhere near as you and your 'sources' are claiming.
Monsantos' main problem has been with the use of a chemical called Glyphosate, a weed killer which IF it contacts bare skin, eyes, etc, MAY be harnful, that is why Crop Dusters dusting paddocks for weeds DEMAND that ALL workers MUST be a minimum of 600 metres CLEAR of ANY and ALL fields/paddocks being sprayed.
Run off into nearby or adjacent water supplies like creeks/ rivers, etc, occurs when excessive usage of chemical based fertilizers happens because the Farmers always tend to 'over-use' their stocks of chemical, man-made fertilizers WHICh they spread by using Spreader attachments towed behind Tractors and usually do it when rain is predicted thus NOT giving enough time for the fertilizer to absorbed into the soil.
Hey, you are in hospital, take the time to STOP reading the " Greenie' propanga, which is ALWAYS highly embellished and overstated, and read upon the facts instead, please.

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