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What's good for the goose -


False news?

FrayedBear 9 May 5
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Btw, FrayedBear, the saying is actually, " What's sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander."

Triphid Level 9 May 5, 2020


@FrayedBear Don't need to check it, my Grandmother used that saying quite regularly for years.

@Triphid Both versions are used.

@FrayedBear Well my maternal Grandmother was from London stock, actually a Cockney to tell the truth, and that is, according to her, how it was said all over England.
And the saying was originally recorded in John Ray's book of English Proverbs of 1670 as being " What's sauce for the Goose is sauce for the Gander.' and ascribed as being a saying used primarily by women of that era.

@Triphid I came from the other part of the country.

@FrayedBear Well according to Wikipaedia and the Book of English Proverbs of 1670 the saying was used ALL over England and still is.

@Triphid We also use my version. The english languge had several major influences, the greatest after latin probabably French. Lancashire unlike Yorkshire did not take up as much French as yorkshire & the southern (expectorates) counties. The North of England in my time was using words that the Oxford dons & other scholars pronounced dead 60-70 years ago.


Well I, for one, do NOT blame her and as such applaud her.
We have been 'told' that " Once the Covid-19 threat has gone ALL data will be destroyed/erased," through the spiel of Scott Morriscum, BUT, what ACTUAL Legislations have been enacted to ENSURE this will be done?
Absolutely NONE at all.
Why should data on Australians be collected, collated and stored by an American Corporation, i.e. AMAZON, when Amazon is an American Corporation and does NOT have to abide by Australian Laws in the first place?
There have been countless, documented and proven reports of PERSONAL Data collected by Amazon, Face-book, etc, being SOLD off to other businesses, etc, world-wide which is one of the reason why we get literally bombarded with Junk Mail, etc, every time we log on.
When I first started using my computer and the Internet over a decade ago, my Junk Mail folder was bare and empty UNTIL I joined Face-book, then, in a matter of no less than 72 hours it went from empty to a daily tally of of approx. between 50 and over 100 Junk Mail articles.
Since given Face-book the R.O.O.U.Y, ( Royal Order of Up Yours) I've seen it drop back to approx. 14 to 20 per day and is still failing slowly.
Could it NOT be that this Covid Safe app. that the Morriscum Government is 'pushing' everyone to use just maybe be yet another 'disguised' of,
A) keeping a PERMANENT track of EVERY Australian as per the 'Idea' put forward once by John ( the Desiccated Coconut, thanks to Paul Keating for dubbing him so) Howard, or,
B) a ploy similar to the ones use by the Nazis and the Soviet Union to do a BIG BROTHER job on every Australian?
What ever happened to our Inalienable Rights to Freedom of Speech, Choice, etc, etc?

Triphid Level 9 May 5, 2020

Amazon - aren't they wanted for failure to pay Australian taxes? I was once forced to use their Australian operation. Within one week my card use to make the purchase had been used for 4 trips from Sydney airport - the card was in my wallet in my pocket 1200 klms distant.
It is claimed that your movement is held onyour phone for 3 weeks and if required you are asked to download it.

I have similarly used fbuk for many years but never on my computer. I do not receive tons of spurious mail.

@FrayedBear Geez Louise M8 you must have been 'blessed' then.

@FrayedBear And NO, the data will be retained UNTIL the Covid threat is completely gone and dusted.

@Triphid only going by Bill Shorten & comments on the topic on his fbuk page this morning.

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