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If it is good enough for Washington State Dept of Health to advocate the wearing of face masks & citizens to comply wtf is wrong with Australians?

An article requesting that citizens protect fellow citizens from the spread of C19


FrayedBear 9 June 25
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When the outbreak began, I wanted to wear a mask, to the supermarket, etc. Couldn't get one. None in the malls and stores etc.. I wondered why our governments weren't sprinkling them like confetti, free of charge to anyone who wanted one. I am still wondering. Now the worst seems to have passed I'm not so concerned. But, I still think this virus hasn't even really started, what with mutations and lack of herd immunity, so look out, i think there's a bad moon rising. Plus, incompetent stupid America is going to bring economic ruin down on us.

David1955 Level 8 June 25, 2020

Your complacency is the second part of the mistake. It takes about five minutes or less to make a mask that will stop you from expectorating over 98% or more of people who come within four metres of you.
I have been using the ones made out of white shaped blotting paper like material - the type builders ten years ago used to protect themself with when in dusty demolitions.

@FrayedBear no, I looked into making them, but making a bad one is easy and good one that is reusable is harder. Most if not all of the masks I saw people wearing were not home made ones but professional ones. Maybe you're a handyman expert type, well good for you. The point here is distribution of good masks should have been a priority, especially for older people going to necessary public places like supermarkets, yet it wasn't. We'll see about the future.

@David1955 As I state I'm using up a box of builder's dust masks.

@FrayedBear Oh yeah, I meant to add that I don't think they protect you against viruses. I'm not an expert but that's my understanding.

@David1955 they are cheap to buy -


Or more expensive version?


@David1955 I loved the analogy of the ancient Spartansoldier who could lose his helmet, his breastplate but not his shield - that was an execution offence. If you dropped your shield you were exposing the soldier either side of you hence why the execution.

You are correct, the mask is nt to protect you but others. Something that the Asians have long recognised even with just flu outbreaks. Seemingly Victorians ar too efing stupid to cotton onto. - Local council Aged Care helpers "are not required to wear masks when caring for the elderly because the Federal government doesn't require it.
IMO yet again proof that the Australian government is practicing senicide.

@David1955 Exactly, a virus is way, way smaller than a mere speck of dust and those builders mask ARE only for the prevention of dust, etc, from entering the airways, lungs, etc.


Well, considering that in Australia, except the closely packed Urban City areas that is, unlike the U.S. our populations are somewhat widely spread out, i.e. not so much 'High Rise Apartment complexes', etc, plus the distances between towns and cities, the widths of footpaths, etc, the constant re-circulation of the atmospheric air around the streets AND that we jumped on the 'Social Distancing, etc,' idea as quickly as we did thus lessening great the person to person transmission of Covid then I can understand why wearing of masks is optional here.
But it seems to me also, that Victoria 'jumped the gun' a bit too quickly and now it is under a second wave of Covid because of that and the interminable cry of " What about the Ecomony" of course.
So I ask, What good is a healthy ecomony going to be IF there are NO people left capable of supporting it?
Think NOT of today/tomorrow or the next day in this pandemic Crisis, THINK instead of the times in the Future to come, i.e. weeks/months or even years from now.
We CAN work together to re-build or re-make a far, far better National Ecomony but we CANNOT re-build a population as quickly as we can the Ecomony.

Triphid Level 9 June 25, 2020

Sadly Tony all I read is of bankrupt minds regurgitating grandiose bankrupt ideas. Ffs we haven't even got a national employment service capable of rapidly responding to national employment needs let alone progressive thinkers creating the avenues for sensible ongoing restructuring of societal industry.

Instead self interested people have been co-opted into positions to enable them to continue to milk the citizens in return for ultimately wortheless industry like fracking and water basin & land destruction.

Eg. On a personal level 4 months ago I requested to install at my own expense an electricity saving hot water service in my leased property in place of the all electric service. The agent has said what a wonderful idea we will have a talk fest about it. Yes 4 months later approval for the installation of an Australian manufactured system approved by Federal Government is still withheld. The local plumber wants to install another all electric, virtually guaranteed to require replacing in 7 years time all electric service. - And I will not be paying the $1600 plus on going electic costs! As a friend probably suggested "the right corrupt palms have not been adequately greased".
Definitely not Keating's promised "Clever Country".

@FrayedBear Sorry for your troubles FrayedBear, truly sorry BUT I'm not a maker of Miracles, etc, etc, so sometimes we all have to sort out our own problems for ourselves, how ever hard and arduous that/they/it may be.
But, on the other hand, perhaps this up-heaval from Covid may just the catalyst that Australia has always needed to get the whole country off of its apathetic arse for once and for all and make changes for the betterment of ALL Australians.

@Triphid Not asking for miracles just using a close to home example of Australian stupidity. What you are describing in the latter part of your response is the opposite of stupidity - intelligence.

@FrayedBear Well, ponder on this question for a while if you will.
The Government wants us ALL to eat better for better health, correct?
So, IF that be correct, then WHY is it that, for example, Wholemeal bread is more expensive than white bread?
Why is diesel more expensive than petrol when diesel is (a) cheaper to produce, 🍺 diesel vehicles are far more fuel efficent, ☕ less polluting atmospherically speaking than petrol vehicles and 🍸 easier and cheaper to maintain, etc.
WHY, if the Governments want to lessen, etc, pollution from Coal Fired Power Stations, etc, have they repeatedly reduced the rebate from home Solar Power Panels?
Why have they NOT made Solar Power Panels available to ALL homes and buildings as a kind of Government Sponsored Grant as they tried to do with Home Insulation?

@Triphid Just goes to show that we are not governed intelligently. The backhanders from damaging products win out with the greedy.

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