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Do masks help stop the spread of the C19 virus?

"In Missouri, two infected hairdressers kept working while infectious, but wore a mix of cloth and surgical masks, as did their 139 clients. No client was infected.
However, one hairdresser infected her household family members, as she did not wear a mask at home, and neither did her family.
This is reassuring evidence that infection risk is reduced when everyone wears masks."


FrayedBear 9 July 26
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This is about as simple as it gets about why masks help, they will not stop completely but will help.

Budgie Level 8 Aug 7, 2020

Lol. Unforuntely the Australian & State governments have been in denial for 4 months. In fact I think that the federal government still and all are still advocating that you sneeze into your elbow.
And if you are an asymptomatic carrier they do not wish to test you here in Victoria !

@FrayedBear I teach kids and have told them not to sneeze into their elbow but to lift the collar of their shirt and sneeze towards their armpit, directing it down and under a degree of fabric not great but better than the multidirectional spray from an elbow sneeze.. Then it is off to wash those hands again kiddo, the rest of the class call out wash your hands not any of the other things normally associated with a sneeze. We are lucky so far that there has been no community spread but I fear people are going to get slack and someone is going to end up spreading it. Then we will have to wear masks and go back into lockdown.

@Budgie Interestingly the paranoia of a $200 fine seems to be having salutary effect.
For about 3months I've be wearing the old masks builders used in asbestos dust conditions- before they had to wear filter masks. It's made of a blotting paper type material. I've found them very effective to sneeze into. They used to cost ten or twenty cents each.

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