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I just bought property in Tassie and have had my travel pass to there rejected 4 times, #5 being assessed. I am no fan of Clive Palmers, but in this case
It's like f'n Eastern Europe where you need documentation to travel. Are we so incompetent that no task can be done anymore, like travel to your property, safely? Power tripping pollies are breaking the law here, so good on ya Clive.

powder 8 July 29
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Can not agree with you on that one. If this greedy bastard gets his way then the NT will not be able to close down its borders. We had no community spread and most of us continued on. Schools were still open, bars and restaurants were closed and family gatherings were not allowed, hospitals and aged care facilities severely restricted or stopped visits. People pretty much did the right thing. When a few idiots broke their quarantine it became mandatory at your cost in a hotel or Corona Springs (the old Howard Springs camp for Impex workers which was fenced and could be isolated from all but a few workers) Being a Territory not a state we could have had the federal government come in and wreck everything for us. Thankfully our Chief Minister (and I generally do not have nice things to say about politicians) made the hard decisions early and we are now getting back to normal. HOWEVER, we have had Victorians come in lying and breaking quarantine, I now self isolate more than I did before, I only go out if I have to. We have a vulnerable population in our indigenous peoples as many have medical issues, their communities shut down with only those that absolutely had to going in and out. One of them who controls a wilderness area are threatening to shut it down if the local airport opens as they will not be able to quarantine people. Palmer is just annoyed someone told him no and is throwing a tantrum. He could have had his meeting via skype or zoom this is just grandstanding and shows how little he cares for people in general.

Budgie Level 8 Aug 2, 2020

@powder People move the virus stop people stop the virus. We have no community spread and never did I am glad they did what they did. It was a tough call for them I am happy to do what I need to do to prevent mass infections. I am not argueing the flue vaccine with you that is a separate issue to border control, but I fully support border control and palmer is having a toddler tantrum because he was told no and he can't stand that. He sickens me with his fraud and corruption so no he will never get a pass from me for being a prick.


well we in Qld are now at risk because of the illegal travel from Vic to Qld by 3 selfish bitches who were diagnosed with Covid. On arrival, they gallivanted all around the place causing untold work and worry to people. To add insult to injury, one is refusing to name who and where she has been in contact. Rumour has it that illegal activities are keeping her mum.

@powder Actually I think we are far from beating the plague. If it wasn't these particular women, it would be others. Even if we manage a vaccine, people are contracting it twice.

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