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As Victoria, Australia heads for Stage 4 lockdown a few random thoughts borrowed from fbuk.

I would love to see a film of someone sneezing into their elbow to see how far and for how long infectious material bounces from the arm & then continues to drip off as the person walks amongst others infecting them.
The other "clever" one is to sneeze into a tissue and throw the tissue away.
This is yet again evidence of the stupidity of the so called advisors who have been advocating no masks and sneeze into your elbow!

It really is a case of "everyone is infected until proven othewise but that proof was only good for 3 days ago ie. You may have been infected during the three days since you were tested, it may even have been at the testing station!"

FrayedBear 9 Aug 1
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@FrayedBear @Triphid I'm starting to get concerned about Australians protesting against the lockdowns and restrictions, breaking rules, and getting agro about it. Like, do any of us like this misery we are going though? Hell no! It is what it is. We have to do what we have to do. I'm worried the American disease is also spreading here --- stupidity. Do either of you agree that this is starting here and people are starting to resist? We could easily become like the US.

David1955 Level 8 Aug 3, 2020

Like I have said David I've been wearing a mask for months an am subject to contempt by fellow citizens who not only don't wear mask but ignore distancing advice. Not that the supermarkets makeisles one directionl with no overtaking.
Yes the likes of Tony are eager to return to pre constitution days of state borders & reintroduce customary Austalian parochialism & xenophobia.
So much for one country one people.
I was told the other day by a restaurant owner that provision of food had been refused supposedly on Victorian government orders to visitors from Melbourne. They were probably essential workers helping local people in the area.

In the meantime to profit tv company's profits every other advert on tv is advocating travelling to Mildura whose people according to the advert are feeling lonely.

As for starting just recently it has been happening for a long time. I keep having to direct people to Cipolla's 5 Basic Laws of Human Stupidity [].
And referring people to the amazing Antwerp murder case about 25 years. The prime murderers received sentences of less than 3 years for carrying out the religious exhorcism of one of the murderer's wife. []
Both stories identify the state of Australian society & the endemic stupidity. Why was there not hue & cry over the sentences? I suggest religion & typical discrimination - in this case against a murdered mentally ill person.
As for black lives matter protests in this country I find it typicalstupiity & hypocrisy. Migrants to Australia committed genocide & discrimination against AustralianFirst Peoples lomg before I was born. I can't say that I have & certainly have never called them niggers. It seems however that many Australians think they have right to call me by the equivalent N word with impunity. It happened only last Friday with the manager of an organisation supposedly investigating their employees for illegal systemic activity committed against me last year.

@FrayedBear Wow, so I'm " eager to returnto the pre-Constitution days, etc, etc," am I ?
And HOW exactly do you know this for such a FACT that you state on Public Media such as this FB?
Are you attempting to tell everyone that you know me better than I know myself?
FB you know ONLY as much about me and who I am from what I care to allow others to know, ERGO your assertions such just mentioned COULD easily be taken as being DIRECT attempts at Disdparagement and Libel.
And FYI, there were State Borders/Boundaries in Australia pre- the Federation of Australian States in 1901, for example, New South Wales once encompassed the Eastern Coast of Australia from the Murray River to the tip of Cape York, Queensland UNTIL the State, now known as Queensland was formed and became a State, South Australia also once encompassed what is now S.A. and the Northern Territory plus a small part of W.A. also.
To correct your false assertions, what I would like to see IS Australia UNIFIED as ONE country with ONE set of Laws to govern ALL Peoples in ALL States, Road Rules, etc, being one thing in particular.
This Political quibbling between Federal and State Governments over whose job it is for this, that or the other is somewhat like salt-damp to the stone foundations of buildings, imo, it IS eating them away slowly and surely and the most recent and Prime Example of this was the 'Black Summer' Bushfires debacle where Victorian Fire Services could NOT contact N.S.W. Fire Services by direct Radio contact because they each were using a different Radio Communication system and frequencies.
Thee is a very poignant old saying you may wish to remember FB, " Always LOOK before you Leap," that also applies to Leapng to Conclusions as well.

@Triphid have an enjoyable day writing to yourself.


@Triphid I now also see that SBS Insight claims to have raised the issue of pandemic control measures with a panel of so called medical experts & professors 6 years ago.

They obviously, despite the inclusion of the NSW chief medical officer, didn't get very far.

My elderly nsw acquaintance is of the opinion that they should all be put in jail. Lol I learnt more of his recent hospitalisation in Gosford private hospital, the management had to be threatened with a writ of habeas corpus by his insurance company to get him out of their ineffective expensive clutches.

Should doctors only be paid if the patient is well?


" Habeas Corpus" FYI FB, is a term used in Criminal Courts where Murder is being prosecuted and the Defence demands that such a Deed cannot be proven UNLESS the body of the victim has/can be found and produced for Foresnic and Pathological Examinations and such results can be provided and shown in Court as Evidence.
Ergo, the ONLY way your ' elderly new acquaintance' would be granted a Writ of Habeas Corpus IF,
a) He were already deceased, which would an UTTER impossibility since the Dead can NOT sue for a Writ of ANY kind, and,
b) His death was considered as being a case of Murder, hence the Counsel for the Defendant would have had to sue for a Writ of Habeas Corpus on behalf of his Accused Client.

@Triphid it is a shame that you are more ignorant of it than I am:

Habeas corpus
Habeas corpus is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful. The writ of habeas corpus is known as the "great and efficacious writ in all manner of illegal confinement". It is a summons with the force of a court order; it is addressed to the custodian and demands that a prisoner be brought before the court, and that the custodian present proof of authority, allowing the court to determine whether the custodian has lawful authority to detain the prisoner. If the custodian is acting beyond their authority, then the prisoner must be released. Any prisoner, or another person acting on their behalf, may petition the court, or a judge, for a writ of habeas corpus.Wikipedia

A person held in hospital against their will is rescued with a court writ of habeas corpus.


Ps. Why the hell do some people break the rules and do the wrong thing? I was just reading about that in Vic and NSW. Are they stupid or somethin'?

David1955 Level 8 Aug 1, 2020

Yes & selfish! [] - do not underestimate the number of stupid people out there.

Yeah exactly, N.S.W. had Covid under control fairly much UNTIL a few Victorians decided to cross the borders and stir it all up again AFTER they already had KNOWN Hot-Spot flaring up.
But I'll lay odds on bets that FB will dispute that to the hilt.
When Governments say that the Borders are Shut then they MEAN that they are SHUT for a reason, not a mere whim.
Yet the Crossroads Hotel Outbreak occurred and HAS been tracked back to a Victorian source and that spread out through N.S.W. like a bloody bush-fire.
So Yes, imo, lay the blame squarely where it belongs, i.e. on the selfishness of those who just seem to feel that THEIR wants, needs and desires matter more than the rest of the people and the country.

@Triphid the wants that you talk about are your fellow NSW 'ers who eagerly wanted business reopened. It is NSW that controls its borders not Victoria.
Your logic is childlike in diverting blame away from the failure of your own state.

@Triphid I recently saw a useful acronym to describe the people you so vehemently hate. They are C. U. N. T. S. - Complete Utter Narcissistic Twit's.

@FrayedBear NO, the Federal Government screamed about getting businesses, etc, back up and running, they also screamed about getting the Borders open again.
Each State has control of ITS own Borders and when Covid-19 flared up again so rapidly in Vict. N.S.W. and S.A. closed their sides of the Borders with Victoria BUT many your fellow Victorians ignored that and kept on crossing them anyway, some even used back-tracks and almost all were caught in doing so.
State Borders being closed during this pandemic are an inconvenience Yes, but they ARE a very necessary inconvenience for the Health and Safety of ALL Australians.
The " failure" belongs squarely, imo, upon those Victorians who chose to Jump the Gun in the first place and those who chose to ignore the Closed Borders, NOT on the Peoples of N.S.W. and S.A.

@Triphid I'm getting sick and tired off your pathalogical righteousness. I'm not crossing the border nor encouraging others to do it. I suggest you take your pathetic whining elsewhere.


Feel very sorry for our fellows in Victoria. Wondering here in SA if/when this round 2 will begin. I tell you, this f'n thing is going to slowly strangle us, unless something comes along to change the equation. As to your question, who knows the best advice; however sneezing seems to have evolved by nature for the purpose of spreading bugs between us. Perhaps that's how herd immunity finally occurs, but in the process many die, of all these bugs

David1955 Level 8 Aug 1, 2020

I'm one of those "fellows". I laughed the other day when I walked into the chemist's and found all the staff wearing face masks.

My question/statement of "So after 3 months of my wearing a mask in here you have finally caught up with me & decided to do the right thing by thinking about protecting me." did not go down too well.

@FrayedBear FYI FB, YOUR Premier made the wearing of Masks in Public mandatory last week did he not?
Ergo, those wearing masks are both doing so for their own protection as well as yours.

@Triphid No Tony it was only today that it has become statewide. The previous edict was only for parts of Melbourne and if likely to come within 1.5 metres of anothe. The muppets round here think that 1.5 metres is the same length a their tiny 4" penises.
FYI asalready stated & not comprehendedby you I've been wearing a mask for the last three months & pushing state & federal MPs to mandate it.

None of the pharmacy staff have ever thanked me for being considerate enough to protect them over the last 3 months. Of course even if it is mandated in nsw you will probably claim your exemption.

Here in Vic we also have the wonderful situation that the authorities are actively encouraging the spread of the virus by refusing to test for asymptomatic carriers and still suggesting that you sneeze into you elbow.

The other evidence of their active encouragement of the virus's spread is exempting puffing panting grossly expirating joggers & cyclists from wearing masks.

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