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ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines. Was reading comments, talking about mandated vaxs, when a punter asked "If you refuse to get a vax, how do you visit loved ones in aged care?" So I answered him/ her (can't remember).

I stated that flu vaxs are mandated for visitors but residents of aged care can refuse, little law about freely given consent needed for medical treatment, can't force people to partake in medical treatment. I then explained how to get around it ie residents can leave the facility so just meet them outside, as my kids do with my father. Went on saying how stupid the mandate is for these reasons; residents can refuse and no guarantee when going out in public that all are vaccinated. Plus mandate only legal because pandemic declared by WHO for coronavirus giving Cheif Medical Officers extraordinary powers to mandate control methods. And within days of WHO declaration what do they choose to mandate? A flu inoculation.............and this is an influenza virus we are getting vaxxed for ie not related to why the pandemic was declared. Could have mandated hand washing, mask wearing, app tracers but didn't. Mandated flu jabs instead.

Anyway, why I'm relaying here is I noticed I had 5 responses within minutes, went to look and page wouldn't load. Wouldn't load the rest of the day. Looked again today and all evidence of the article and responses gone, replaced by same article at later posting date minus all previous comments. This is our ABC.
Seems if you challenge some narratives with unarguable logic then they just remove it. My bullshit alarms clanging.

powder 8 Nov 24
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Bit like GetUp - all good until you start prodding.
Probably the same with Assange, Snowdon & the other one.

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 25, 2020

Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to.
But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.

Triphid Level 9 Nov 24, 2020

@powder So would one be correct in assuming that you, in particular, reject getting any and all vaccinations/immunizations both IF and when traveling o/s and here in Australia?

@powder As I've posted before, these 'Pandemic Restrictions are, atm, the ONLY viable weapons we at hand to try and STOP Covid from doing here what has done and is doing elsewhere.
i seem to remember where in Venice, Italy during one of the Plague Outbreaks a somewhat similar system was put in place there that saved thousands of Venetian lives.
In 90% of epidemic type outbreaks, isolation and movement restrictions have always worked and saved thousands, sadly, it is what it is and until a permanent solution is found then it is what we have to bear, not only for our own sakes but for everyone else as well.
IF we don't then the unthinkable, massive mass graves, IS the only alternative.

@powder In response to your first reply.
Imo, it IS NOT an attempt at "Stopping the World" as much as it is TRYING to STOP the rampant infection rates AROUND the world from GETTING into Australia THUS saving thousands of Australian lives that would otherwise be lost needlessly.
To quote a very poignant line from Star Trek spoken by Spock, " Sometimes the needs of the MANY must out-weigh the needs of the FEW or the one."
Australia has BEEN virtually speaking here, ISOLATED for about 9 months or more now, our Covid Death Toll is about 1% or less than that of the U.S., Europe, etc, etc, and the ENTIRE world, ergo, though we may not like it, it IS working and, at present it IS something we ALL must learn to live with UNTIL a permanent solution to the virus is found.
Yes you may have a property o/s that you want sell off or get shot of, BUT IS it so vitally NECESSARY for you to do this matter on a Person to Person basis in this day and age?
And YES, imo, "Aunty ScumMo & Co.have a LOT to answer for re- the Cormann-R.A.A.F. jet affair, imo, it IS Nepotism taken to a higher than could ever be imagined level.

@powder Now to respond to your second reply.
Yes, imo, the U.S. Health system is 110% as screwed up as anyone in their right and sane mind could EVER imagine bar none.
As to winter coming, yes, that IS inevitable, BUT there is hope on the horizon in that a vaccination programme WILL be available here in Australia BUT until that arrives we ALL must learn to grin and bear it.

@powder According to researchers both here and abroad Corona virus has mutated/evolved from the original S.A.R.S. version of the virus via first becoming Bird Flu and the Swine Flu or the other way around which ever it was.
Testjng of Corona vaccines , at least here in Australia and the U.K. are undergoing atm UNDER the Strictest of Rules and Regulations as per the W.H.O. guide-lines and the national guide-lines as well.
Jeez Louise mate, I've had more vaccinations than I too care to count both due to work, etc, etc, but I'm not complaining because at least I know that I have some immunity protection against things like tuberculosis, hepatitis, tetanus, etc, etc.
Quarantine/isolation facilities are good BUT they need to be staffed 24/7 WITH Highly Trained Professionals and often these facilities become better 'breeding grounds' for the diseases anyway thus making the problem/s greater.
For example, the island off Venice, Italy where Plague suspected carrying ships, crews and passengers were isolated is STILL declared as a NO Go zone because the plague can still be contracted after years and decades of laying dormant.
Hence such facilities used now for C-19 may have be abandoned, completely destroyed, etc, etc, since C-19 MAY just well manage to survive as does the plague.
Imo, 1 or 2 quick jab/s with a vaccination is much like the old saying, " A stitch in time, save Nine."

@powder Control, my friend, IS a far different country to having it beaten/eradicated completely, surely you can see and understand that.

@powder My friend, IF these vaccines from Australia and the U.K. were ACTUALLY being as 'fast-tracked' as some claim, they/d be in PUBLIC usage by now as is the Sputnik V in Russia at present.
Research Labs and Testing Facilities these days are long, long advance from what they were even 5-10 years ago for example. Even Medicine itself has advance way beyond where it was 10 years ago.
For example, 10 years ago a Prostate check meant a doctor's lubricated finger up your bum, now it is a routine test using a sample of your blood, one which I have done EVERY 6 months.
Plus, it was only a matter of about 5-7 years ago that Australian Researchers discovered that Cervical Cancers in women and girls was caused by a virus, about 20years or more ago it was discovered that Intestinal and Gastric Ulcers were caused by an over-abundance of a certain, thought to be harmless virus as well.
And what we used to simply label as being just Cancers are in actual, individual in nature and genetic make up of in each and every cancer in every different patient, thus throwing the old set Protocols for treatments out the windows, again Australian Researchers coming to the fore.
Yes, I remember Thalidomide and the Gulf War vaccine debacles.
I know quite a few of the 'victims' of the Thalidomide screw up, the 'magic bullet to cure Morning Sickness in pregnancy.'
I even remember and know quite a few survivors of the Gulf Vax debacle and a few from the Polio era as well.

@powder Sorry BUT it still seems to me as though your MAJOR concern is NOT for ALL Australians as a whole here BUT your OWN personal requirements, needs and desires.
FYI and imo,, whether or not there is a PERMANENT solution to C-19 pandemic today, tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year, the world WILL still be there, spinning on its axis as it orbits the sun, grass will still be growing, birds will be singing AND your precious property in Thailand will still be there as well, may be not as valuable but still there none-the -less.

@powder Yes there are logical steps to working, etc, with hazards, however such hazards in working ex-medical care etc, etc, are an entirely DIFFERENT country to those you worked in.
Infections like C-19 do NOT happen just as a random accidental occurrence as is a collapse of over-head ground in drilling or mining, infections like C-19 are almost invisible except to microscopes, etc, just as are most bacteria, etc, etc, as well.
You can't see nor predict who or where they will strike, you only know AFTER they struck and then it IS often too late anyway because they have already moved on the next victim and so on.
WHY should you or anyone else in the over 50 bracket be singled out to ONLY be the restricted and NOT those under 50 when almost EVERYONE is liable to get C-!9?
PLUS, consider this FACT,
a) just because a person may be a-symptomatic re- C-19 it DOES NOT by any means that they NOT a carrier of it.
b) a traveler goes o/s, does what he/she wishes, moves around through groups of peoples of that country/countries, who knows exactly how many carriers of C-19 or other infective diseases he/she has had fleeting contact with, get on a plane, travels back home and VOILA brings more of C-19, or anything else as well, back with them and either infects EVERYONE else on the plane and/or everyone else they meet upon and during their return to the country they live in.
Those, my friend, are FACTS as to how infective diseases are spread so rapidly and easily in this modern world we now live in.

@powder "Bollocks" you say, well I say how many years have you worked in fields of medical, how many years were YOU the appointed O.H.S. officer AND First Aid Officer any where?
Exactly how much TRAINING have EVER received in those fields, First Aid and Medical care in particular?

@powder Sir, a part of my O.H.S. job on the Railways included working on the Accident/Derailment Crew.
More times that I care to count that involved re-railing freight wagons loaded with explosive materials, Gas tanker either containing L.P.G. or EMPTY, which btw are far, far more dangerous, Anhydrous Ammonia Tankers, Fuel Tankers both Diesel, Av-Gas and Petrol with 85% of the time those wagons teetering on the edge of a railway embankment about 5-6 ABOVE the ground level where one false move could easily mean a huge and massive explosion.
As a nurse, it meant treating and caring for patients with anything and EVERYTHING from colds, Flu, pre-op and post-op conditions right through to and including Stage 3 or 4 Syphilis infections and numerouys other HIGLYY contagious diseases.
Oh, and not mention the handling of deceased bodies as well. some who were NOT found for anything a few days to a week or so.

@powder FYI, viruses never actually 'go away' they remain, oft times dormant and other times they simply mutate such Ebola, S.A.R.S. for but 2 examples.
We once thought, quite wrongly, that we had Measles done and dusted, BUT, it was only a year ago it returned and did great harm and damage on one the Pacific Island groups did it not?
Arrogance, Complacency, Apathy, etc, etc, in humans are, beyond the merest shadow of a doubt, the greatest Allies of Diseases.

@powder As any medico can tell you, Vaccines are good, they work BUT only as a Stop gap when it comes to viruses, WE need to discover exactly how viruses 'tick,' how they reproduce, mutate, etc, etc, and THEN discover a Fully Permanent solution to them.
For example, even the Calici virus used in an attempt to wipe out rabbits in the wilds of Australia is beginning to fail miserably now.. Rabbit populations are now increasing around here, something which I seen first hand btw.
They have failed to find a solution to the Cane Toads also because, imo, they have NOT bothered to look at the genetics of the Cane Toad for a reasonable solution.
our knowledge and Understanding of Genetics is increasing almost daily hand over fist and YET they stick to those tired old ideologies like flies in treacle.
Fact, In 1986-7 I once was a volunteer Tutor in Literacy and Numeracy at a local Primary School, I had a student who the Teachers said was a complete waste of time and effort.
Now she is Head of a Research Lab in Sydney and working almost solo on de-coding the genetics of the Covid-19 virus even though others in the field call her ideas 'radical, impossible, irrational, illogical, etc, etc,' but as per a recent conversation with her she is on the verge of making a much needed break through.

@powder Yes but as I said even the feral rabbits are developing an immunity of sort to Calici especially out this way.
On my last trip out to get firewood in mid-July I saw 7 working rabbit warrens and at least a dozen+ rabbits roaming around, include some multi-coloured ones as well.
5 years ago ALL warrens were inactive, rabbits were nowhere to be, not even a trace of the pests left anywhere.
We have a saying out here, and it is true btw, that when you see any rabbit that is either NOT just the dull grey in colour then one of 2 things have occurred,
a) Domestic rabbits have been released and are breeding with the feral rabbits, or,
b) the supply of feed vegetation is so good that they ARE breeding on an almost non-stop basis.
My guess is that someone or a few local rabbit breeders have released immunized domestic pet rabbits back into the wild and they have passed on the immunity through breeding somehow.

@powder As to the acquired immunity from vaccines, in some cases such as the BCG vaccine for Tuberculosis, for example, it DOES give a life-long immune protection.
Plus, you should try to remember that viruses such the Influenza, etc, etc, DO mutate ( evolve) hence the Flu you MAY have had last season may NOT be the same viral Flu you may get this season and so on.
But, the anti-bodies in your system WILL remember the original bout of Flu you contracted and react to that.
So, in their way, Vaccines are 'good' because they stimulate the Immune system to produce anti-bodies to a specific case of a virus BUT they cannot 'predict' how that virus will evolve/develop, as it usually does, either tomorrow, next week or even next year.

@powder HENCE we NEED to seek out permanent solution NOT by viral, etc, measure BUT BY Genetic measures.

@powder Yes well for the time being but researches are underway to develop cures for those and more as well.

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