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All workers working at a quarantine facility should also be in quarantine..........otherwise it is not a quarantine facility. Increasing testing is chasing your own tail. And the premier stating that the virus escaping quarantine facilities (ie the source of new outbreaks) is to be expected is totally unacceptable. Like saying prisoners escaping from jail is to be expected.

Surely all "experts" can agree that a porous quarantine facility is no quarantine facility at all.

powder 8 Jan 6
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So, in essence, what you ARE saying is that, and correct me IF I am wrong ( which I most certainly EXPECT you to do btw) ALL Persons employed in quarantine Facilities SHOULD be also KEPT Quarantined, Isolated from their Families, etc, etc, PERMANENTLY or for exactly HOW long?
Also, given the seeming 'context' of your statement, then SHOULD NOT every person in the entire world ALSO be Quarantined as well, since this C-19 virus spreads so easily and quickly?
Viruses and other pathogens do NOT know State/Country Borders, they do NOT know nor respect fences, doors, windows and the like, they just travel where and when the breezes take them.
PLUS, given the 'context' of your comment, then SHOULD NOT ALL workers, etc, in Industries such as mining Uranium, Nuclear Power Generation, etc, ALSO be Quarantined since they too MAY just carry with them pathogenic particles such a Nuclear Radiation, etc, etc?

Triphid Level 9 Jan 6, 2021

@powder So, in essence you are suggesting that personnel in Quarantine Facilities as well as other employees elsewhere should work 2 days on and 4 days off, is that correct?
So, it that be so, WHERE, When and How do YOU EXPECT these persons to go, spend the leisure times, and amuse themselves WHILST still being Quarantined?
Just how MANY Employers do YOU expect to happily and willingly take up that concept since, IT would required said Employers to engage at LEAST double the numbers of Staff and ancillary service Staff as well?
Use a bit of Fiscal Logic there please.
IF C-19 is NOT airborne then WHY are we wearing masks to prevent droplets and vapours from carrying the virus from from person to another?
Can you, as Safety Officer of renown answer that question?
Viruses NOT only travel around as airborne particles will carry them btw, but ALSO can survive for hours, even days on surfaces as well FYI.
And YES, ALL of life is a risk, from the very moment of Conception right through the very moment of Death but that is the RISK we all take is it not?
Would YOU lock yourself inside your home rather than take the risk of stepping outside JUST because you THINK you may fall over and break your neck, or risk crossing a road or street BECAUSE you MAY be hit by a passing motor vehicle?
Why even bother getting out of bed, taking your next breath, you never know for 100% certainty that that very next breath you may cause you choke and die do you?
BUT you have still taken that breath and the next and the next and so on and so forth have you not?
Oh, imo, your LAST paragraph is, imo, as inane and completely ridiculous as it reads.

@powder 1 crew working and 2 crews on breaks at any one time?
Where precisely does that happen these days?
Miners here working for Perilya work 10 days straight, 12 hour shifts per day and get 4 days off AFTER doing 10 straight shifts plus we have FiFo's here btw.
And YES, NORMAL Surgical type masks ARE for the containment of viruses, etc, FROM the Health Workers.
Such Surgical types masks DO stop the viruses, etc, from being spread to the patient/s.
P.P.E's are a different kettle of fish altogether ( see the the Full Face VISOR P.P.E's as worn by Medical Staff these days.
Er, excuse me but my maths may be a bit rusty at times but a 2:4 ratio is not, according my knowledge, NOT 1 Crew on and 2 crews OFF, should that not BE then a ratio of 1:3 instead?
Viruses CAN and DO travel quite well in airborne droplets, so here, I'm guessing ( with logic, reasoning and knowledge gained from medical training AND experiences btw) that mayhap your medical knowledge is a wee bit on the 'light' side?
Oh, and neither do I merely wrap myself in cotton wool btw.

@powder Okay, so I hit the wrong button, big deal.
What workers work in Africa, etc, IS NOT what most miners here in Australia work, ESPECIALLY here where I live.
Plus, surveys etc, done here have clearly shown the Physical and Mental effects of these long working hours and shifts are very detrimental to both workers, their efficiency, their overall health, their families and even the expected life-spans of the workers themselves as well.
You COULD run a Quarantine Facility as many hours and shifts as you like BUT how and where are you going to get, a) the Finances to do so, b) the people willing to do so, and, c) most important of ALL btw, the money to compensate those workers for the times lost with families, etc, etc, etc.
I DO humbly suggest that you and others try WAKING up to Reality, etc, etc, for a change.

@powder States ARE shut down FOR the PURPOSE of PROTECTING EVERY Citizen in those States NOT just piss off Weeping Willies.

@powder FYI, it IS not "Incompetent Management, etc, that causes the Clusters and Outbreaks.
IT IS those Weeping Willie Arse-wipes who consider THEIR own PERSONAL Rights and Freedoms ABOVE everyone else who ARE the biggest PROBLEMS of them ALL BAR NONE.

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