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Well now , here we are on a Monday in Australia and on this day we welcome @Lauren to our little but growing Group.
@ Lauren is from Texas, that littlish State down near the Gulf Of Mexico btw, Welcome to aussie sceptics friend Lauren.
You will find that we Aussies are often a 'weird mob' from time to time, we have a habit, be it good or bad, of saying things as we perceive them to be, especially when it comes to religions, politics/politicians and the myriads of Dills, Drongos, Dip-shits, Oxygen Wasters, etc, etc.
So, if you fancy doing a bit of verbal arse-kicking, shit-slinging, etc, etc, then you have most definitely come to the right place, so have no fear, just have at it, don't hold back, just give them what they TRULY deserve and do it ALL in Spades.

Triphid 9 Mar 21
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Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Thanks for the hearty welcome, @Triphid. Please don't hold Texas against me too much. I'm really looking forward to hearing what you have to say, and about how you perceive things.

Lauren Level 8 Mar 23, 2021

Hey, don't worry I won't.
At a rough guess I'd estimate that at least 99+% of the world knows about Texas and Texans....LOL.

@Triphid No doubt they do! But I hope you won't hold Texas' reputation against me.

@Lauren Don't fret on that, there's no chance of that happening, NONE at all.


Welcome @Lauren! (I think there are still some Aussies here, too.)

Coffeo Level 8 Mar 23, 2021

Oh yeah, just check out the membership list and you'll find us represented.

Thanks, @Coffeo. I'm looking forward to some interesting conversations.

@Lauren So what, if I may ask, attracted you to Aussie sceptics? Was it our strange spelling? How are things in Texas (which I understand isn't as tiny as @Triphid would have us think)? Apart from once changing flights at Dallas/Fort Worth (a long time ago), I've never been there.

@Coffeo I confess to my familiarity being pretty bare bones and mostly gleaned from television shows and movies, but I switch between being tremendously bored with the US, and being greatly unnerved by it, so I thought I would check out someplace more interesting. Texas is a large state in the US, and I'm in the northern part.

Hey, what's with the " think there are still some Aussies here, too" bit?
I seem to be getting the impression that, perhaps, you may want/desire our Group to be more, shall we say, a somewhat Discriminatory, Aussies ONLY "Club" of sorts?
Ergo, IF you think/feel that YOU ay do a far, far better job as a PURELY Voluntary Moderator, then let us does this 100% Democratically and HOLD a Referendum of the Membership, take a Vote on WHO the members think SHOULD be the PURELY Voluntary Moderator by posting either a Yes or No and I shall step down most gracefully when the votes are tallied up.
Oh, and btw, I was making a JOKE, you know what a joke IS I hope, about Texas.

@Lauren Hey, please do NOT just look and read, JUMP IN and enjoy the fun to be had.

@Triphid I will do both, I promise. 🙂

@Lauren As we who live and dwell in the vast Outback regions of the country say, "No Wucking Forries." LOL.

@Triphid Wow, I'm learning things already. 🙂 Thanks.

@Lauren Stick around and we may well just teach a whole lot more of the 'Strine' language...LOL.
Phrases like,
A Swagman's breakfast = "A drink, a Fart and quick look around"
"It was so bloody cold last night, I had to chip the dog off the post this morning",
" Trouble and Strife" = the Wife,
" Billy lids," = the kids,
"Fart sack," = the bed,
"Hammer and tack", = your/my back,
" Plates of meat", = Feet.

@Triphid Great Scott, @Triphid, keep your hair on. Let's be open to everyone. I just think the group name is becoming a tad misleading, is all. You're doing fine as moderator.

@Triphid And yes, your joke about Texas was obvious. I was joking too.

@Triphid, @Lauren Well, I hope we won't prove boring. I was aware that Texas is the largest of the contiguous US states, and I'm guessing @Triphid was too.

@Coffeo LOL, a bit hard to 'keep my hair on" when I shave it off every day.
And Thank you for the compliment as to my doing the Moderator job, I truly appreciate it.

@Triphid & @Coffeo I agree with you both, and I'm quite sure I won't be bored. 🙂

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